The Hungry Wolf offers Meal Prep and Delivery on Mondays for an nnbeatable price! 5 Meals for J$6000 and 10 Meals for J$12000!
Check out their Menu that will be posted Today on Instagram, @thehungrywolf_ja for next week!

Besides Meat, they offer a variety of Vegetarian and Pescatarian options too.

I enjoyed my Roasted Chicken and Baked Fish Fillets with sides of lemon basil rice, baked Irish potato and roasted pumpkin.
Healthy, tasty, filling (even after a few days) and I actually preferred the Fish👌🾠So much more to explore, especially with the Vegetarian.
The Hungry Wolf
Instagram: @thehungrywolf_ja
Remember you Can Sign up for a Nutrition Consultation with ME, Suga Lifestyle’s Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist, Gabby today using LINK Below:

I can tell you What to Eat, Where to Eat & I get Results. Don’t Procrastinate!💪ðŸ¾
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle; Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist)
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