The Registrations are coming in fast for Limited spots!
REGISTRATION is NOW OPEN for Suga Lifestyle’s Pop Ups and Events for the 4th Quarter.
Suga Lifestyle is grateful for providing local businesses and artisans with opportunities to showcase and sell products safely and successfully throughout the pandemic.
More opportunities are on the horizon with Suga Lifestyle’s curated Pop Ups and Events platform.
The Jamaica Pegasus, JABLUM Coffee, Barita Investments Ltd. and SLEEK Jamaica, thank you for your support over the years to help foster growth for our local businesses. Suga Bears, thanks for keeping up and following Suga Lifestyle as we select and bring to you high quality items representing the island’s various creative industries that are value for your money.
Art, Ceramics, Confectioneries, Leather products, Fashion, Accessories, Woodcraft, Horticulture, AgroProcessing, Home accents, Décor and more!
SEE YOU SOON! XoXo, Suga 💖
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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