Watch “Suga Box Ja’s ‘Shower Mom with Love’ Box for Mother’s Day!” Promo on YouTube here:
Sugalifestyle’s Suga Box Ja (Ig: @sugaboxja) ‘Shower Mom With Love’ Box is NOW AVAILABLE featuring ALL Jamaican brands!
💞 @bodybyroxanneandco‘s 4.5 oz Black Raspberry Vanilla Shea Sugar Scrub & it’s matching Shower Bar
💞 @mirabotanicalsja’s All Natural Enchanting Body Oil with a fantastic Rose scent / Energizing Body Oil
💞 @fallinchocolate2’s Truffle Box
PRICE: J$5,500.00
You can SHOP IT ONLINE NOW using direct link,
on Suga Lifestyle’s website,
Shop Local. Buy Jamaican 🇯🇲

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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