Suga Lifestyle’s Mother’s Day Pop Up presents Touch by VLS (Ig: @touchbyvls) Ceramics on SATURDAY, MAY 8th at The Jamaica Pegasus’s Rio Bueno Suite, 10AM – TBA.

The Urchin Collection by Victoria Silvera extends from the depths of our Caribbean Sea right into our homes.
Touch by VLS creates objects you drink tea from, curl up and read a good book under or just share your home with, appealing to your sense of touch by interaction or cradling, enjoying the texture of their spikes.

Get a piece from Touch by VLS Urchin Collection from J$1000 and upwards!
Stay tuned to see who else will be featured.
***Covid19 Protocol will be observed and masks are required***
Get some retail therapy while showing Small Business 💖
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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