Suga’s got more for you to add to your Post Covid-19 Bucket List. I’m throwing it back to a brunch spread that I thoroughly enjoyed at Shooters Waterfront last October. The live music was entertaining too.
Shooters was offering delivery and takeaway/curbside pick ups, but are now closed and look forward to reopening when the COVID-19 curve flattens.
Here are a few teasers until they reopen!

There was a Carving station for the meat lovers too! Until tomorrow… Cheers!

#PostCovid19BucketList #SugaEndorsed

Shooters Waterfront
Location: 3033 NE 32nd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308, United States
Ph: 954-566-2855
Website: https://www.shooterswaterfront.com
By: Gabrielle Burgess
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