Grill night has been going on for years at Medusa’s Bar and Grill on Fridays at 96 Hope Road. Always well supported. So if you would like a nice, filling Friday dinner, call them at 876-978-3741 to hold your table. If you are not going right after work, it is best you inform them of what you will be ordering as well because sides go quickly.
It is similar to a Dim Sum where you get papers and tick off what you would like. Ribs, Chicken, Fish and Steak (8oz/10oz) are usually available with various choices of how you would like it cooked along with unlimited sides. Yes, unlimited sides meaning you are not charged for sides! Sides include Potatoes, Mushrooms, Sour cream, Onion, Fries, Corn on the cob and more. Also, imagine, word is they marinate from Monday!
If you did not call in your order you may have a long 35-45 minute wait, so ensure you have some lively company capable of good conversation.
Everything costs under $2000JMD so get going and make your plans tonight for Grill night at Medusa’s tomorrow. Remember seating is limited.