A Thankful Tuesday… When Starting an Art Collection begins with GW Art!

Suga Lifestyle, GW Art’s Gabby Burgess with Shermalie Hill at The Jamaica Pegasus, Kingston, Jamaica on September 3, 2024.
Suga Lifestyle’s Art & Lifestyle Expo Meet & Greet at AC Hotel Kingston, Jamaica on August 9, 2024

I know these “Tailored Jamaican” Ladies will bring Shermalie Joy everyday.

It was on set Jamaica Stock Exchange’s CBX Channel one morning promoting Suga Lifestyle’s annual Tailored Jamaican Pop-Up Fashion Show event last October, when he first laid eyes on them and kept asking, so when will it be finished?

I kept saying, not yet, when it is you will know. When I saw the locally designed Dress I would be wearing for the Art & Lifestyle Expo Meet & Greet in August, I instantly fell in love with all the colours that complemented each other. I said, that is it! GW Art’s “Tailored Jamaican” Ladies will be complemented by those colours too and they will stand by me whenever I speak. The Painting was showcased at my GW Art (Ig: @gwartbygabby) booth the next day at the Expo, making quite a statement in AC Hotel Kingston’s Ballroom. When Shermalie saw it, he smiled and said, you finally finished it and it didn’t take too long for him to tell ke he was ready to start his Collection with local Art.

When you Invest in Local Art, you Invest in Jamaica.


By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***

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