This Veal Chop from Sugar Mill Restaurant was well seasoned and cooked to medium rare perfection. Since veal is from calves, the meat was lighter and more tender compared to a Beef Tenderloin.
The reputable, fine-dining restaurant, Sugar Mill is rated Suga’s Best Restaurant in Jamaica to date and was the well deserved recipient of the ‘Restaurant of the Year’ award at the Jamaica Observer Table Talk Food Awards once again this year, May.
***Prices quoted attract an additional 10% G.C.T and 15% Service charge. Locals get 20% off the bill***
Sugar Mill Restaurant
Location: Spring Farm Drive. Half Moon, Rose Hall, Montego Bay, Jamaica.
Ph: 876-953-2211; 1-800-626-0592
Website:Â http://www.halfmoon.com
Hashtag for Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: #SugarMillJamaica
By: Gabrielle Burgess
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