
How to make your Yogurt full of Fiber!


Make a yogurt mix for breakfast for 1 morning of the week by doing the following:

Take one container of Greek yogurt (90-120 calories) and mix in 1/3 cup high-fiber cereal, 1 tablespoon ground flaxseeds, and 5 large, diced strawberries for a whopping 12.2 grams of fiber that is nearly half your daily allowance!


Add Garbanzo beans to your salad for added fiber!


The Holiday season is over and it is surely hard for our stomachs to adjust to normal and even healthier eating habits.

For those who are not ready for a straight salad just yet, try adding kidney beans or chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans) to your next salad. A quarter cup adds an additional 5 grams of dietary fiber!

Fiber keeps you fuller for longer. Go for it!



How to NOT let Social events Sabotage Hard Work


● Eat something light (fruits/vegetables/cereal/sandwich) shortly before arriving so you don’t have a big appetite, especially for those calorific finger foods and snacks that add up quickly.

● Calorie log awareness

– Stay in control using  a Food diary, Fitness pal app or other apps

● Limit alcohol intake

– Try club soda with lime and olives

● Do NOT stand near to the food table

– You might want to keep picking at it

● Take small amounts so you don’t feel bad leaving a lot behind on your plate

– Veggie and fruit trays are low calories

-Portions are always important! Keep it small



How to Make Healthy Flatbread Pizzas


How to make your Healthy Flatbread Pizza:

● Use a whole grain tortilla/pita bread (Ends up looking like your own Personal pan pizza!)

● Spread some vegetable salsa/homemade tomato sauce/vegan pesto

● Add toppings that complement each other such as:

– spinach, red peppers, tomatoes, onions, mushrooms and zucchini

– arugula and low-fat feta/grated Parmesan

– broccoli, mushrooms, reduced fat mozzarella and onions

– green peppers, olives, tomatoes

● Add healthy meat toppings, such as small pieces of grilled Chicken or baked Turkey breast

● Part skim and reduced fat Mozzarella/grated Parmesan/low-fat Feta cheese could be used

Have fun eating healthy!

Images: (outer); (inner)

Healthy ways to have a Banana Split

Images: (outer); (inner)
Images: (outer); (inner)

If you have a sweet tooth and you get bored easily trying to eat right, here are a few variations of having a Banana split that is good for Breakfast or a light dessert:

● Fat-free Greek yoghurt (90/100cal), tbsp. of nuts and raisins, crushed sprinkles of dark chocolate

● Fat-free Greek yoghurt (90/100cal), muesli, fresh blueberries

● Fat-free Greek yoghurt (90/100cal), muesli, fresh strawberries and/or apples

● Fat-free Greek yoghurt (90/100cal), fresh strawberries, apples, blueberries and peaches


5 Minute No Bake Cheesecake Shooters

Image by Author, Ankso

(original url:

Author: Ankso from Greece

Share your Photo of the Cheesecake you made from his recipe or share your review!



Cream part

1 cup – Cream cheese *(Fat Free Philadelphia Cream cheese could be used to reduce fat content)

3/4 cup & 1 tablespoon – Heavy cream

1/2 cup – Icing or Normal Sugar

1 tablespoon – Vanilla extract

1 cup – Graham crackers or Butter biscuits

1 Strawberry jam

Prep time is 5 min, serves 4.



1 For the cream part, put all the ingredients into a large bowl.

2 With a mixer, mix all your ingredients until the cream becomes really soft and stays. If you don’t have a mixer use a whisk, it will do the same job (it just will take more time)

3 For the bottom crust break the biscuits (with any method you want) until they become crumbs (also you may use ready biscuits crumbs like graham crackers)

4 Now you are ready to serve it in the glasses. Add the biscuits in the bottom then add your cream and lastly add your strawberry jam on top.

5 Let your glasses stay in the fridge for about 3 hours or a whole night.

6 TIP: If you want to make it more professional add only the biscuits and the cream in the glasses and add the strawberry jam right before you eat it, it will be more easy to fill the top.

Recipe found with Allthecooks (


Have you been Eating the right Cereal? Get your Guide here!


Tips to pick out your healthy cereal:

– The first ingredient should always be some form of WHOLE grain, e.g. whole wheat, whole oats etc. Keep it whole, so you can be ‘whole-hearted’

– Keep it low in sugar, less than 10g or preferably 8g of sugar per serving

– Go for lots of fibre to keep you fuller for longer, at least 3g of fibre per serving

– Stock up on more than 5g of protein, so you do not feel the need to overeat some hours later. If there is not enough in the cereal, have some 90/100 calorie Greek Yoghurt with it.

– Measure Measure Measure! Be careful when pouring straight from the box. Keep conscious of your serving size according to what is recommended on the box. If you are not having yoghurt with your cereal, adding a few slices of banana will help to bulk it up if necessary.

This is why Suga recommends Oatmeal. Oatmeal is best on its own. Healthy and full of fibre! A bit tasteless for you? Add a shake of cinnamon or nutmeg and even a sprinkle of raisins. Remember sometimes healthy is an acquired taste so give it a few tries first.

Here are some of the other good ones. Can you find your cereal? If not, check the recommended servings of protein, sugar and fibre stated above and see if it fits in the recommended category. Also, avoid the famous Corn Flakes and Honey Bunches of Oats! They are made from Refined Grains.


– Oatmeal crisp (All Brands)

– FOSKA Oats : Low in sugar with just 1g and high in fibre, 4g. Support Brand Jamaica!

– Post Shredded Wheat : Tasty, 100% natural WHOLE grain with honey and almonds baked in

– Muesli

– General Mills Cheerios (The no added sugar one, Not the Honey nut!) : Just 1g of sugar, WHOLE grain oats and 3g fibre!

– General Mills Total : 100% WHOLE grain!

– General Mills Wheaties : Just 4g sugar and 3g fibre

– Kashi cereals eg. Go Lean, Heart to Heart Honey Toasted Oat, Cinnamon Harvest Whole Wheat Biscuits

– Quaker Honey Nut Oatmeal Squares : a little sweet with 9g sugar, but high in protein and very crunchy with 4g fibre

– Quaker Life

– General Mills Chex, Wheat or Multi Grain

Lastly, don’t feel like Cereal is just for Breakfast, if on a diet, you can mix it up and have a shake for breakfast and cereal for dinner. It’s easy, especially if you are coming home late after an evening workout.

Also, please do not make your cereal unhealthy by adding whole milk (that’s not making you whole-hearted!), 1%, 2%, condensed or evaporated milk! Use skimmed milk or almond milk. 

Image taken from

Green Tea has a High Caffeine Content but is Healthier than Coffee!

Image taken from
Image taken from

Green tea has less caffeine than black tea, ~25mg caffeine per 8 ounce cup. However, length of brewing time affects caffeine content, the longer the brew the higher the caffeine. Lipton has listed a figure of 45mg caffeine for their 100% green tea claiming its from 1 to 2.5 minutes of brewing. Try it!

If you are having coffee or tea, avoid creamer and sugar, use splenda and skimmed/almond milk instead. However, Green tea is the healthier option. Perhaps the most healthy hot beverage out there. It is filled with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body such as improved brain function, weight loss as it boosts metabolism and burns fat, a lower risk of cancer and many other great benefits.