Happy New Year from Suga!

Happy New Year Suga Bears!

2016 was certainly a year of shockers but great things happened as well and Jamaica continued to make a stamp on the track creating more history.

Thanks for keeping up to date with Suga and for sharing my views on Restaurants/Bars, What’s Hot, Sports, Health & Fitness, Charities and more. Suga may not always be sweet but that is life and when others aren’t honest, Suga will be keeping it real with you. It’s with the hope of gracious acceptance to criticism and ultimately an improvement from various establisments to deliver the best standard and quality the customers deserve.

I loved that some of you had a GW Art Christmas! The Christmas Collection for GW Art sold off and I am truly grateful for all of your encouragement, kind words and support. 

Let us look forward to what this year will bring. Work hard but play hard too. 

Wishing you all a year of good Health, Happiness, Success and Prosperity!

Stay tuned to Suga Lifestyle!

By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this article, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Old Hope Road’s Hidden Oasis, Olive Cove Cafe

Suga has had a growing list of foodie spots to hit and last Saturday, the Olive Cove Cafe was a must because of knowledge of future unhealthy bites to come over the weekend.

I arrived at Olive Cove Cafe at 4:45pm. It is across from Toyota Jamaica on Old Hope Road. Parking looks like it may be a challenge during the busy breakfast and lunch hour in the work week but it was quite accessible that day as they say traffic to the Restaurant is less on Saturdays.

There are stairs leading down to the Cafe from the side of the road. It is quite small and quaint on the inside with such lovely use of decor, namely light fixtures, branding, shelves and comfortable seating in a limited space with air conditioning.

Below: Gabby from Suga Lifestyle waiting on her food to arrive

I met my husband there for a very late lunch. Service was great. Our waitress was very polite, attentive and knowledgeable about the menu and how the various dishes were prepared.

Their Wraps have been heavily marketed on Instagram, as well as Smoothies, Shakes and Cooked dishes including custom orders.

I still don’t get the concept of frying fish and putting it in a Wrap. Most restaurants I know do that then try to pass it off as healthy and it is not.

Anyhow, we were in the mood for something a bit more filling. Most places not only add too much sauce to Brown Stew Fish, but an oily one so I was sceptical about ordering that and went with the Chicken and Vegetable Stir Fry despite our waitress’s positive recommendation. My husband ordered the Brown Stew Fish. Both dishes came with brown rice! Thanks Olive Cove. Much appreciated.

Food came out in standard time. The Chicken in the Stir Fry was a bit too dry without the sauce. But once you added it, the flavour was tasty. The waitress’s recommendation was on point though! My husband’s Brown Stew Fish was very savoury. The sauce was light and was not overpowering or oily at all.

Tasty, filling food with a healthy touch for affordable prices. Definitely value for money.

Looking forward to trying their Shakes and Smoothies!

Top: Brown Stew Fish ($680JMD incl. Tx); Below: Chicken & Veg. Stir Fry ($650JMD incl. tax)

***Bring cash only. Their Point of Sale machine application is still being processed.

Olive Cove Cafe

94M Old Hope Road. Kingston 6.

876-995-9903; 876-390-9833

Instagram Page: @the_olivecove

Opening Hours: 8am-5:30pm

Deliveries: 10am-1pm

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this article, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

How Dairy Products Can Help You Lose Weight

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Many persons rely on Quinoa, Oats and other good sources of Carbs/Fibre to lose weight. 

However, Dairy products contain both Protein and Calcium that not only help with bone and muscle mass but with weight loss as well because the by-products of Calcium help to break down fat.

Stick to the healthy Dairy products though, such as Skimmed Milk, Fat-free Cheese slices, 90/100 calorie Greek Yogurt etc.

Enjoy your Dairy!

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this blog, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar make you Lose Weight?

Photo: www.heinzvinegar.com

What is Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)?

ACV is the result of 2 Fermentation processes after the crushing and squeezing of apples followed by the addition of bacteria and yeast.

Sugars are converted to Alcohol in the 1st Fermentation process and Alcohol is converted to Vinegar in the 2nd Fermentation process.

How does it taste?

Sour or bitter because of the acetic and malic acid it contains.

What is the recommended use?

About a tablespoon before a meal.

Does ACV make you lose weight?


How does ACV help you lose weight?

ACV suppresses your appetite so it makes you feel fuller for longer. Therefore it helps with portion control.

It also helps digestion because it is full of enzymes to help the body break down food.

However, it blocks the digestion of starch, thus controls blood sugar levels allowing less calories to enter the bloodstream.

What is ACV used in?

– Vinaigrettes and other Salad dressings

– Food preservatives

– Chutneys

– Marinades

What else can ACV help you with?

There are claims ACV may cure hiccups, fade bruises, clear acne, get rid of dandruff and more, but one thing that seems to work for people is that it helps them to lose weight.

Reasons to take CAUTION

– ACV can alter insulin levels so Diabetics should talk to a Doctor before using it.

– ACV tablets are not all regulated as yet and some have had side effects

Suga’s thoughts on using ACV?

One should consult a Doctor first, as it alters the body’s natural chemical processes and one should know especially the effects it may have of blocking the digestion of starch.

It should help persons lose weight but after someone stops using ACV before meals, the appetite may open up tremendously and the weight previously lost could pile back on in the process.

Practising something usually becomes a habit. One can try practising portion control with meals naturally with mere willpower and determination instead of getting hooked on using ACV.

Eating fibre-rich foods will also suppress the appetite and aid with portion control. However, if one wishes to make a salad feel more filling once in a while, they could try using a vinaigrette that is made with some ACV.

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this blog, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Juice Nation for Shakes and Smoothies!

Full House Shake

Juice Nation Ja upstairs in Mid Spring Shopping Center is a great spot to grab healthy Shakes and Smoothies on the go.

I have been going on a few Saturday afternoons with no crowd, so received expected quick service. It’s always a good thing to walk into a healthy establishment with visibly fresh fruits and produce as well.

They have a variety of Smoothies and Shakes, Iced Coffees, Extract Juices and more for reasonable prices, mostly in the $400-$600JMD range.

My favourite is the Full House Shake stacked with fruits and protein. You get a choice of about 3 of your favourite fruits. I usually choose blueberries, strawberries and banana. It is then customised with toppings full of fiber such as flaxseed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds and oats.

It is definitely a tasty meal replacement Shake if you would like something healthy, easy to digest and to keep you full until the next meal time.

I also liked the Berri Smoothie with 3 fruits and almond milk.

If the Green Smoothie is your thing, they got it! Mixes of Spinach, Kale, Coconut water and more.

Check them out!

Juice Nation Jamaica

Phone no.: 781-1281

Location: Mid Spring Shopping Center

134 Constant Spring Road, Kingston 8.

Opening Hours:

Mon -Sat @ 9:30am-6pm

Embrace the Scale

Many persons who have approached me to lose weight do not own a scale, simply because they are afraid of stepping on the scale and seeing reality. We all know there comes a time when we have to face reality, sooner better than later.

Clients that have been on a successful journey with me that have corrected their eating habits and done sufficient exercise to lose weight often get their own scale at home. As the pounds drop off more and more, they become obsessed with their weight. The only bad thing about that is if you start to lose too much weight but it is usually a good habit to have. Why? You are constantly aware of your weight, whether it is before you reach your goal to encourage yourself to push harder and keep going or if it is after you have reached your goal, you might push a little harder for that extra buffer so you can go on vacay and not feel guilty or have a binge weekend. There is also the opportunity to know you are maintaining or not maintaining. Plus or minus 5 pounds is acceptable. Once you have reached that plus 5-pound boundary from the weight you have been maintaining, the scale is telling you to nip it in the bud. Start to add an extra work out immediately or correct where you have been slipping in your diet so you do not get complacent and wonder how you put back on weight all over again.

Embrace the scale.

Photo: www.prevention.com

Include Fat-Burning Beans in your Diet!

Beans help to burn Body Fat! They contain a high amount of Protein, which helps to boost the metabolism, thus feeling energized to exercise.

Beans are also full of fiber, which of course helps to control your eating habits because they are considered to have slow-release carbs, thus help you to feel fuller for longer.

So stock up on your Garbanzo beans, Pinto beans, Navy (white) beans, Black beans, Soybeans, Kidney beans and Lima beans.

Pinto beans are usually used in Burritos and Black beans can be used to make a delicious, creamy, Black bean spread for Chicken Fajitas.

Here are a few more fun ways that Beans can be cooked up and eaten to fiber you up:

Chicken and Beans with Mint Pesto

Photo: Faith Durand

Cuban Black Bean Soup

Photo: Faith Durand

Black Bean Edamame Burgers

Photo: Megan Gordon

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with White Beans and Kale

Photo: Emily Han

3-5 Mile run from Loshusan for Global Running Day tomorrow!


WGTR Jamaica will be hosting a 3-5 mile run tomorrow morning at 5am from Loshusan in Celebration of Global Running Day.

The Cost is just $300JMD for Security and all are encouraged to bring an old pair of Sneakers to donate to Charity.

Head to www.globalrunningday.org and create your own badge.

Set those Alarm clocks!