Shirt: Ig: @toppindesignz @pressshopco
Exceptional service from Cafe Blue (Ig: @cafeblueja) Irish Town as usual
Coffee: Blueccino Gabby’s way > Cafe Blue’s signature Blueccino Coffee mix with spices – nutmeg and cinnamon, almond milk, splenda, no whipped cream
Eggs : Veggie Omelette
Bagel : Whole Wheat Bagel (Thanks Cafe Blue for being one of the few places I know to offer it!)
You know it’s hot when you feel the heat in the Blue! Best to head there for Opening time or late afternoon.
Have a Great Weekend!
XoXo, Suga
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***
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