Beauty and the Beads Ja (Ig: @beautyandthebeadsja) returns with Beaded Accessories sure to jazz up your outfits!
Shop Local and be entertained by our Fashion Show on Saturday, October 29 at The Jamaica Pegasus!
Watch How Our Suga Fam Will Step Out to TAILORED JAMAICAN OCT. 29 here!
Support artisans who do not have a storefront, coming into Kingston from various parts of the island.
Tailored Jamaican highlights Fashion, Apparel & Accessories, but will also feature Art, Activities & Books for Kids, Plants, Candles, Home Décor, Personal/Skincare & Confectioneries.
Stay tuned & follow @sugalifestyle to see who else be showcased!
All Handcrafted, Handmade and/or Locally designed products.
XoXo, Suga
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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