Wooden Palette by Woodman 876 (@thewoodman876) , GW Art (@gwartbygabby)
We have so many Fun, Sugarific memories from Saturday to share. Please stay tuned for Highlights.
CONGRATULATIONS Donut Desires (@donutdesires) who SOLD OUT at 2:17PM,
Smith’s Rum Cream (@smiths_rumcream_ja) who SOLD OUT their Coffee & Butterscotch Flavours + over 100 Bottles,
Rayelle 876 (@rayelle876) SOLD OUT their Spicy Jackfruit Jam!
Hello New Followers!
We appreciate You, Our Suga Fam that you are now a part of, our talented #SugaArtisans and Vendors and our Sponsors.

By attending Suga Lifestyle’s Art & Lifestyle Expo, you Supported our Local Creative & Cultural Industry. AppreciLove.
See You Next Year!
XoXo, Suga ?
Your Vendor Listings!

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***
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