Eating a snack between meals helps curb hunger so that you take time to eat your Lunch and Dinner and you feel fine with the portions. Snacking can also help you get in all the nutrients you need.
It helps to have healthy snack options on hand so that you’re prepared when hunger strikes. Many of these weight-loss snacks are also great on-the-go snack options.
Has healthy fats and they are full of fibre.
If maintaing weight, Almonds are fine, but Peanuts are recommend for persons with weight loss goals.
Add dried fruit to make it fun. - GRAPEFRUIT
It satisfies and has strong antioxidants. Delivers 100% of Women’s Vitamin C needs for the day.
***If on medication, clear with Doctor first. - POPCORN
High in fibre with some protein too.
No butter it light butter. Ensure it is 5% or less in sat fat with 0% cholesterol and you’re good to go. - YOGURT
Provides Calcium and Fiber. It can fill even more Nutritional gaps by adding Fruits. Therefore choose plain Yogurt, not flavoured Yogurt. - Chocolate, BUT DARK CHOCOLATE
Losing weight doesn’t mean giving up the foods you love. Giving yourself little treats may be the secret to successfully managing your weight. Completely avoiding the foods you enjoy may end cause overeating just to feel satisfied,
GRAPES – High in natural sugar
A cup of Grapes is 100 caloreies
Pairing with low-fat Cheese makes a fantastic snack as well.
Book your Nutrition Consult or Fitness sessions on sugalifestyle.com.
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
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