Big up Bee Sweet Honey (Instagram: @therealbeesweethoney; 876.398.7307) for her usual excellent & speedy delivery and service. She adds a great personalized touch if requested!
Emkay Sports & Trophies Ltd. (Instagram: @emkay_sports; 876.929.1133) by Oxford Terrace does speedy engraving and has other customized services.
Chorlavi’s (Instagram: @chorlavis; 876.279.8279) comes to Kingston so often from St. Ann, it’s so easy to get her popular, tasty, low sugar Tipsy Jams.
Chocollor Chocolate (Instagram: @chocollorchocolate; 876.383.2711) has expanded their distribution and I can now buy directly from the Ljekarna Pharmacy at work in Oxford Medical or find them in supermarkets and other pharmacies for a reasonable price.
Embrace Brand Jamaica and show Small Business Love with me. I got the hook up.
Suga 💖
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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