Chilitos Jamexican’s Nyam and Scram offerings for Restaurant Week have been buzzing on social media. Their RW Jamexican Lunch Combo is $1100.00 (+tx) to include 1 Appetizer, 1 Entree and your Choice of Drink/Soda.
Suga Taster, Kimberly Nesbeth gave it a try for lunch and thoroughly enjoyed it. She thought the Whole Bowl was spicy and filling and thought that the Elote was amazing.

Suga Taster, Kimmy rates her Nyam and Scram experience as 5/5. Chilitos Jamexican is #SugaEndorsed
The last day for Restaurant Week is this Sunday so get the deals while you can and enjoy!
Chilitos Jamexican Restaurant
Location:Â 88 Hope Rd, Kingston
Ph: 876-668-0772 ; 876-634-6243
By: Gabrielle Burgess
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