Healthy Bites is located at a house in Trafalgar Park, close to NCB Atrium where you can pick up your Lunch.
Vegetarian meals such as Lentil Stew and other meals, typically of Jamaican cuisine such as Ackee and Saltfish, usually range in cost from $500-$700JMD. The meals come with a natural, home-made juice too. Cane juice is used instead of added sugar. Sugarcane juice reduces bad cholesterol levels in the body and has natural sugars. However, still ensure that you are within your limits of sugar intake for the day if you choose to drink juice and not water.
Note that the safe amount of sugar to consume each day is as follows:Â
Men: 150 calories per day (37.5g or 9 tsp.)
Women: 100 calories per day (25g or 6 tsp.)
You can customize your Lunch based on the sides you desire and they are open to suggestions. They also Deliver!
Check out Healthy Bites today!
Healthy Bites
Location: 3 Circle Close (Trafalgar Park, close to NCB Atrium)
Ph: 876-296-4119 (Ruby Porter)
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist)
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