Suga’s Ratings for Cliff Hanger Restaurant and Lounge
Date and time of visit: Sunday, February 17, 2019 at 12:00pm
No. of diners: 2 adults
NB. Ratings fill 5 stars maximum
Parking: ★★★★★
Ambience: ★★★★★
Décor: ★★★★☆
Comfort: ★★★★★
Service: ★★★★☆
Speed: ★★★★☆
Food quality: ★★★★☆
Serving amount: ★★★★☆
Plating: ★★★☆☆
Value for $: ★★☆☆☆
Suga’s Breakdown:
From the hillside to the sea, diners can experience the best of both worlds, while seated at Cliff Hanger’s rustic and comfortable Restaurant and Lounge.
My husband and I received hospitable service and our food arrived in a timely manner. Afterall, we ordered the Drunken Lion Fish and would not want that process to be rushed. What made it drunken? The sauce consisted of Red Stripe Beer, White Rum and Red Wine.

All three spirits were evident in the Drunken Lion Fish sauce and the dish was quite tasty. I am afraid it was not value for money though. For the Lion Fish dish ($27USD) and a Cocktail ($7.50USD), the damage ended up being a little over $6000JMD per person, i.e. $12,157.82 for the both of us after G.C.T and Service charge were added, which is far too expensive. Suga suggests they provide a local rate for their menu.
Cliff Hanger Restaurant and Lounge
Location: Ross Craig, Long Bay P.O. Portland, JA
Ph: 876-860-1395
Email: [email protected]
By: Gabrielle Burgess
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