If you missed your Get Fit Tips with Gabby this am, HERE YOU GO!
To Fast or Not Fast During the Lenten Season?
1. *** I do not advise Fasting***
Consult your Doctor first, especially if Hypertensive or Diabetic and on medication.
2. The Pregnant, Elderly, Ill & Young are exempt from Fasting.
If Pregnant, at least 4 to 5 servings of Fruits & Veggies are needed to prevent Constipation. Constipation is a side effect of Fasting.
3. If you decide to Fast or do intermittent Fasting, do Low intensity Exercises such as Yoga, Pilates, Walking
4. Abstain from Meat such as Lamb, Beef, Pork, Chicken etc.
5. Eat Fish, Eggs, Fruits, Grains, Nuts, Veggies and drink Milk
For a Meal Plan to take you through a typical healthy day or day during the lenten season, contact me!
Sign up for a Nutrition Consultation with ME, Suga Lifestyle’s Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist, Gabby today using LINK Below:
Have a Blessed Ash Wednesday
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle; Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist)
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