GW Art is in the Vitamin M December box in the USA!


Kerryanne Croft of the Vitamin M box says trying to fit in is boring, create the change you want to see.

What’s the Vitamin M box?

Based in New Jersey, Kerryanne saw a lack of support and love for Black owned businesses. She wanted to change that, so The Vitamin M Subscription Box was born. M is for Melanin, the dark brown to black pigment occurring in our skin.

Vitamin M isn’t just a subscription box. It is a movement to not only support these substantial businesses, but to help build their communities and share their stories. The Vitamin M box delivers brands in the form of beauty, fashion, books, home and lifestyle produced by people of colour to your doorstep.

Every 3rd month, Kerryanne donates 10% of the proceeds to a charity/non-profit in the Black and Brown community.

Kerry believes we need to continue to highlight these entrepreneurs over businesses that don’t see or respect their shine.

GW Art is a part of the Vitamin M box for December and the boxes are sold out!

The Vitamin M Box for December includes great stocking stuffers for skincare and more.
Kerryanne Croft of the Vitamin M box celebrates for the December box being sold out.

What’s in it from GW Art?

It’s Always Wine o’clock Post-its! Just in time for your New Year’s affirmations.


Subscribe to the Vitamin M box for the New Year!


By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.






Good Day Suga Bears!

SAVE THE DATE for my upcoming Christmas Trade Show, “Suga Lifestyle’s Christmas Connection” to be held on Saturday, December 15, 2018 from 4 to 8 pm. It will be held at The Liguanea Club, New Kingston.

As most of you may know, Suga Lifestyle is a brand encompassed on this blog,, and is intended to inspire, educate and entertain via various types of posts categorized by; GW Art, Restaurant Reviews and Ratings, Brand Jamaica, Charities, Health and Fitness, Sports and more.

The blog, currently has a reach of over 1,000 followers and grows daily. The event, Suga Lifestyle’s Christmas Connection will involve my GW Art as well as other Jamaican artisans hand-picked by me to offer their unique, handcrafted, handmade items to the public.

There will be about 15 to 20 artisans to establish variety, each with unique items in order to better focus your shopping experience, by limiting duplication. Part proceeds will also go to Charity.

I invite you to shop with family, friends and loved ones. A true one-stop shop in the busy holiday season, while you support Jamaican products as well. You will be hearing more about them soon!

Thanks so much to my Title Sponsors, Sagicor Bank and Gustazos Jamaica!

Buy Jamaican. Build Jamaica 😊

Please follow my Instagram and Facebook Page, @sugalifestyle to stay tuned to updates on the show and get chances to win lots of giveaways! There will be good ones!

Gabby a.k.a Suga

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Happy New Year from Suga!

Happy New Year Suga Bears!

2016 was certainly a year of shockers but great things happened as well and Jamaica continued to make a stamp on the track creating more history.

Thanks for keeping up to date with Suga and for sharing my views on Restaurants/Bars, What’s Hot, Sports, Health & Fitness, Charities and more. Suga may not always be sweet but that is life and when others aren’t honest, Suga will be keeping it real with you. It’s with the hope of gracious acceptance to criticism and ultimately an improvement from various establisments to deliver the best standard and quality the customers deserve.

I loved that some of you had a GW Art Christmas! The Christmas Collection for GW Art sold off and I am truly grateful for all of your encouragement, kind words and support. 

Let us look forward to what this year will bring. Work hard but play hard too. 

Wishing you all a year of good Health, Happiness, Success and Prosperity!

Stay tuned to Suga Lifestyle!

By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this article, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.