Many persons who have approached me to lose weight do not own a scale, simply because they are afraid of stepping on the scale and seeing reality. We all know there comes a time when we have to face reality, sooner better than later.
Clients that have been on a successful journey with me that have corrected their eating habits and done sufficient exercise to lose weight often get their own scale at home. As the pounds drop off more and more, they become obsessed with their weight. The only bad thing about that is if you start to lose too much weight but it is usually a good habit to have. Why? You are constantly aware of your weight, whether it is before you reach your goal to encourage yourself to push harder and keep going or if it is after you have reached your goal, you might push a little harder for that extra buffer so you can go on vacay and not feel guilty or have a binge weekend. There is also the opportunity to know you are maintaining or not maintaining. Plus or minus 5 pounds is acceptable. Once you have reached that plus 5-pound boundary from the weight you have been maintaining, the scale is telling you to nip it in the bud. Start to add an extra work out immediately or correct where you have been slipping in your diet so you do not get complacent and wonder how you put back on weight all over again.
Embrace the scale.