The Perfect Start to Spring with Venezuelan Cuisine at EITS Cafe, Irish Town!

#fbf to Last Sunday to Brunch & Beats at EITS Cafe in Irish Town, Kingston (Ig: @17milepost)!

This staging of Brunch & Beats featured authentic Venezuelan Cuisine by Chef Ines and upbeat Venezuelan music by Sherkhan.

Watch Suga’s Highlights here!

The Menu kept signature dishes of EITS as options such as the Barrel Roasted Chicken, Curry Goat and their Ackee & Callaloo with fried Sweet Plantain made a Specialty Arepa! They did notttt disappoint, although I prefer my Curry Goat to be spicier.

The shredded Beef Specialty Arepa was wholesome and amazing!

We enjoyed all courses from start to finish, even if there were waits between, actually necessary to make room for more! I felt like I could have been happily rolled off the hill afterwards.

The Quesilla (Venezuelan Flan) was similar in taste to a Panna Cotta and the hints of Jamaican Rum in the sauce was delish.

A refreshing day in spring and a perfect reset for the week ahead.

*Reservations Recommended* They are closed this weekend for Light Renovations.

[email protected]

+1 (876) 367-8191

Stay tuned for the next one and Have a Great Weekend!

Saturday, MAY 3!

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

TGIF! Head up to EITS Cafe, 17 Mile Post on Saturdays & Sundays!

Gabby Burgess of Suga Lifestyle with her AnnieB at EITS Cafe in Irish Town, Kingston, Jamaica [Date of Visit: Saturday, September 7, 2024]

It’s always great breathing in the fresh air in the Blue. Adding farm to table, freshly made food is Brawta!

Watch Highlights from Suga and AnnieB’s visit here:

Known for their Barrel Roasted Chicken, I switched things up, starting with their tasty Tomato Bruschetta (on bammy!) and tried the new lightly Curried pineapple Chicken which was seasoned so well…a fantastic balance, as it wasn’t too spicy. The sweet potato croquettes that accompanied it, were perfection. Loved it! Awesome dish.

Their Saltfish Fritters and Shrimp Pasta with herb Pesto are usually hits too.

***N.B. Not always Paw-friendly… Check in with the Owner first, to make sure the big ones aren’t there 🙂 Reservations recommended; Call +1 (876) 367-8191***

Remember, Balance is Key… Enjoy Jamaica!

Have a Great Weekend!
XoXo, Suga

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Fresh Air & a Healthy Brekki is Sometimes the Best Medicine. Happy Friday!

Cafe Blue, Irish Town, Jamaica
Shirt: Ig: @toppindesignz @pressshopco

Exceptional service from Cafe Blue (Ig: @cafeblueja) Irish Town as usual

Coffee: Blueccino Gabby’s way >  Cafe Blue’s signature Blueccino Coffee mix with spices – nutmeg and cinnamon, almond milk, splenda, no whipped cream

Eggs : Veggie Omelette

Bagel : Whole Wheat Bagel (Thanks Cafe Blue for being one of the few places I know to offer it!)

You know it’s hot when you feel the heat in the Blue! Best to head there for Opening time or late afternoon.

Have a Great Weekend!
XoXo, Suga

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Looking For A Fun Day Getaway with Your Dogs?

It’s gonna be tail-wagging FUN at Paws Peaks N’Picnics!!

Get ready for a day in the hills at Rafjam Bed and Breakfast on SATURDAY APRIL 27.

Get a Preview Here:

Parking is arranged at the top of the road leading down to Rafjam.

Hike or trek down to the location. SUV transportation also provided from the parking spot that will take you to and from.

Included are:

> A Jamaican brunch buffet
> A professional photo with your pup
> A pup treat bar
> Dip or swim in the river that runs through the property
> Vet Q&A Session with @drmoholisticvet

>Drinks will also be on sale!

Awesome vendors will be on deck:

Due to capacity our numbers are LIMITED.
Spaces are filling up FAST so REGISTER TODAY to secure you spot. Here is the Registration Link:

?????? ???? ???????:

Adults (J$5000)
Kids 12 & under (J$2000)
Family Deal (J$12,000) *2 Adults & 2 Kids 12 & under

2 Adults (JS10,000)

?? ???? ???????:

Adults *No Food (J$3000)
Kids *No Food (J$1000)
Kids 6 & under *No Food (FREE)

Suga’s AnnieB will be there and we hope to see you there too on Saturday, April 27!

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Happy Independence Day Jamaica, with Love from Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast!

Suga at Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast, Hopewell Road, Red Light District in Irish Town, Kingston, Jamaica on June 10, 2023

For my Birthday Weekend on June 10 this year, we took the perfect escape to the Blue Mountains in Irish Town, Jamaica.

A dog-friendly escape with wifi, but no Tv or Radio, nestled up in Red Light District on Hopewell Road. It’s one of my favourite Jamaican gems, Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast (Ig: @rafjambnb).

Watch “Happy Independence Day Jamaica!  [Song: Best in the World – Slashe | Jamaica Festival Song 2023] “on YouTube here:

Be greeted with the sweet, local hospitality of Suzi and her staff, then the calming sounds of the waterfalls and birds chirping with other sweet sounds of nature, surrounded by fresh air.

We had a cosy cabin for our stay and freshly made food for Breakfast and Lunch, as we ventured off for Dinner.
You’ll never see Fritters so Big! Delicious Jamaican style food that you can have by the riverside or their newly built deck.
You can count on a new development everytime you visit.

Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast is the perfect place for a short, getaway stay or adventure and even group retreats. They now offer all inclusive packages.

Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast continues to be #SugaEndorsed and I can’t wait to return.

XoXo, Suga

Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast
Location: 6 Springdale Cove, Hopewell Road, Red Light District, Irish Town. Kingston, Jamaica
Ph: 876-944-8256; 876-426-3667
Email: [email protected]

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle) (@fithappenswithgabby), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Happy Independence Day Jamaica, with Love from Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast!

Suga at Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast, Hopewell Road, Red Light District in Irish Town, Kingston, Jamaica on June 10, 2023

For my Birthday Weekend on June 10 this year, we took the perfect escape to the Blue Mountains in Irish Town, Jamaica.

A dog-friendly escape with wifi, but no Tv or Radio, nestled up in Red Light District on Hopewell Road. It’s one of my favourite Jamaican gems, Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast (Ig: @rafjambnb).

Watch “Happy Independence Day Jamaica!  [Song: Best in the World – Slashe | Jamaica Festival Song 2023] “on YouTube here:

Be greeted with the sweet, local hospitality of Suzi and her staff, then the calming sounds of the waterfalls and birds chirping with other sweet sounds of nature, surrounded by fresh air.

We had a cosy cabin for our stay and freshly made food for Breakfast and Lunch, as we ventured off for Dinner.
You’ll never see Fritters so Big! Delicious Jamaican style food that you can have by the riverside or their newly built deck.
You can count on a new development everytime you visit.

Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast is the perfect place for a short, getaway stay or adventure and even group retreats. They now offer all inclusive packages.

Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast continues to be #SugaEndorsed and I can’t wait to return.

XoXo, Suga

Raf Jam Bed and Breakfast
Location: 6 Springdale Cove, Hopewell Road, Red Light District, Irish Town. Kingston, Jamaica
Ph: 876-944-8256; 876-426-3667
Email: [email protected]

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle) (@fithappenswithgabby), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

#throwbacktuesday2018! When Last Have You Made This Stop?!

Randy and Gabby Burgess of Suga Lifestyle at EITS Cafe in Irish Town, Kingston Easter 2018.

When last have you gone on the Blue Mountain Culinary Trail?

It is always great to just even breathe in fresh air!

Tasty, farm to table food and mountain views from EITS Cafe (Ig: @17milepost) in Irish Town, Kingston, Jamaica.


By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Suga Enjoyed Breakfast in the Mountains for Heroes’ Weekend!

Gabrielle Burgess a.k.a Suga enjoying rhe freshwater river pool by Rafjam Bed and Breakfast in Irish Town, Jamaica

Suga’s Ratings for RafJam Bed & Breakfast’s Restaurant

Date and time of visit: Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 9:30am

No. of diners: 2

NB. Ratings fill 5 stars maximum

Parking: ★☆☆☆☆

Ambience: ★★★★★

Décor: ★★★☆☆

Comfort: ★★★★★

Service: ★★★★★

Speed: ★★★★☆

Food quality: ★★★★★

Serving amount: ★★★★★

Plating: ★★★☆☆

Value for $: ★★★★★

Suga’s Breakdown: 

After 3 years, I finally made it. Imagine it took a German friend visiting Jamaica to tell me about RafJam Bread and Breakfast. Then I was reminded about it by Jamaica’s 1st Blue Mountain Coffee Festival a bit over 2 years ago when they drafted their Culinary trail and posted signs all along the way. Look out for them!

RafJam Bread and Breakfast is nestled in Red Light District, Irish Town, also known as Backpacker District. It’s the Right turn after Craighton Estate, i.e. the 2nd Right turn after Cafe Blue. When you make that right turn leading downhill to RafJam, follow the signs and beware that the road is a bit ‘Raf’. But difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations right?! Indeed it did.

My husband, Randy and I, parked walking distance away so we wouldn’t block in anyone and arrived at the quaintest house tucked away in the Blue Mountains. We were greeted by owner, Susan, telling us immediately what was for Breakfast as if she was welcoming us home from a long trip on the road. It is indeed her home. Susan inherited her parent’s house and decided to transform the lush, tropical paradise into a magnificent Blue Mountain getaway. 

I was initially disappointed that we missed out on the Ackee & Callaloo, leaving limited choices of Salt Mackerel or Saltfish and Baked Beans, but I was prepared for simple, Jamaican cuisine. We both ordered the Salt Mackerel.

We sat outdoors with an instant reminder of how beautiful Jamaica is. We overlooked, lush, green vegetation by a river and small waterfall. Tropical Paradise. Sweet Jamaica. Jamaica Land We Love.

Randy Burgess and Gabrielle Burgess, Owners of Suga Lifestyle.

Our Breakfast arrived and it was far from simple. It was freshly cooked, homemade, farm to table goodness! Salt Mackerel with boiled food to equip you to make a small climb up to see their 15-ft waterfall, and a side of fresh watermelon.

It was cold, but we enjoyed the freshwater river pools, didn’t take the clean, fresh air for granted and had a few drinks from their Tiki Bar before we headed back downhill to make curfew.

RafJam’s Tiki Bar

Upon leaving we heard them telling a few European visitors what was for Lunch, a more expanded menu, with more Jamaican goodness. We were very tempted to stay, so will return to RafJam, hopefully one day soon. #SugaEndorsed

RafJam Bed and Breakfast

Location: 6 Springdale Cove, Hopewell Road, Red Light District, Irish Town, Kingston. JA.

Ph: 876.897.4767; 876.516.5442


Instagram: @rafjambnb

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Watch Suga Lifestyle goes LIVE with PukrUp Cosmetics and their Pinktober Campaign!

It’s Breast Cancer Awareness month and Suga Artisan, Pukrup Cosmetics (Ig: @pukrup_cosmeticsja) supports the fight against Breast Cancer.

Join them now until the 31st of October by Purchasing some of their wide range of products, because 30% of proceeds will be donated to the Jamaica Cancer Society (Ig: @jamaicacancersociety876).

Check out Pukrup Cosmetics reasonable Price List here:

Go follow @pukrup_cosmeticsja! They are a thriving local Beauty, Cosmetics and Personal Care company with all natural, handmade, chemical and preservative free Lip Balms, Body Butters, Face Masks, Soaps, Oils and more.

You can easily order from their Online Website ( and they do Islandwide Delivery.

Please support this local business operated by two awesome young women, Kristina Wellington and Jodi Miller, while you will support a great cause at the same time.

Watch “Suga Lifestyle LIVE with Pukrup Cosmetics and their Pinktober Campaign” on YouTube here: 

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

JOIN Pukrup Cosmetics & Suga Lifestyle TONIGHT at 8:30PM!

Let’s hear about these 2 Local Entrepreneur Ladies’ Handmade, All Natural, Chemical and Preservative Free Cosmetics Brand, how they have joined the fight against BREAST CANCER and their GIVEAWAY with ‘@sugalifestyle’ on Instagram LIVE TONIGHT!

Join us at 8:30PM. You know we love to have a good time! 💖🥂

Support Local. Support a good cause. Buy Jamaican 

Pukrup Cosmetics

Instagram: @pukrup_cosmeticsja

Ph: 876-455-4845


By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.