By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Our Tourism sector is at an all time low, so our farmers have not been able to sell their produce to hotels. The Government of Jamaica has been assisting our farmers to market their produce. According to the Rural Agricultural Development Authority (RADA), the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries made an immediate injection of $240 million for the purchase of excess produce from farmers! #SugaSnaps
RADA is currently active in the fields identifying farmers with excess produce. Trade Winds Citrus in Bog Walk, St. Catherine pioneered this charge by utilizing their excess produce of tomatoes in the National School Feeding Programme.
Bellefield Restaurant and Bar in Montego Bay not only has Lunch Specials, Curbside Pick up and Delivery, but a commendable, hassle free service, marketing fresh produce in ‘Bellefield Curbside Bundles’ to support our local farmers who can no longer sell at the market or to the hotels. Curbside Bundles also include value packs from Best Dressed Chicken!
Grow What We Eat, Eat What We Grow
Help our Farmers to stay encouraged despite the challenges being faced during COVID-19 #FarmFresh #SupportLocal
Interested in purchasing Agricultural Produce? Please Contact:
Ansel Golaub: 876-383-8428
Glastonbury Purveyors: 876-381-0203
Fruits & Veg Basket Deal: 876-482-8921
Farmers at your Steps: 876-895-2447
Instagram: @radajm
Bellefield Restaurant and Bar
Location: Bellefield Great House, Fairfield Ave, Montego Bay
Ph: 876-952-2382
Instagram: @bellefield876
Edited By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
The oldest, largest and most dynamic Agricultural show in the English-speaking Caribbean will be this weekend!
The 66th staging of Denbigh will be this Saturday, August 4th to Monday, August 6th at the Denbigh Showground, May Pen, Clarendon. Exhibits will be open between 8am to 5pm.
***Tickets cost $1000JMD for Adults and $400JMD for Children***
The theme this year is, ‘Grow What You Eat, Eat What You Grow: Agriculture Securing Our Future’.
Patrons should ensure that they take advantage of purchasing fresh produce from farmers who represent farms across the island at the Farmers’ Market.
There will be numerous Attractions and Entertainment such as:
– Agricultural and Horticultural Exhibits
– National Champion Farmer Competition
– Farm Queen Competition
– Youth in Agriculture Competition
– An Assimilation Exercise on Climate Change and the Impact of Technology
– Greenhouse Farmer Competition showcasing linkages within the Tourism and Agricultural Processing sectors.
JUTC is providing a PARK-AND-RIDE Shuttle Service from Kingston over the 3 days!
Roundtrip Ticket Costs: $1400JMD (Adults); $1200JMD (Children)
Ticket outlets:
JUTC Office, Shop 126b, Greater Portmore Shopping Centre, Spanish Town Transport Centre on Burke Road, Half-Way-Tree Transport Centre and JUTC Downtown Hub, 9 East Parade.
Departure times from locations in Kingston:
Spanish Town Transport Centre: 10am – 1pm
Half-Way-Tree Transport Centre: 8:30am – 11am
Portmore Mall: 9am – 12noon
Departure times from Denbigh: 7:30pm and 10:30pm daily
#BuyLocal #EatFresh #SugaEndorsed
By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Remember Agro Fest is happening NOW at Jamaica College!
Bring out the kids for face painting, rides by the Kiddies Village and more. It costs just $100 per Child at the gate and $500 for Adults.
There will also be entertainment for the entire family, prizes and surprises.
The animals are waiting for the kids to come and say hello.
Flashbacks from last year!
Planning on going to the supermarket or market? Come get your tax free produce at Agro Fest straight from the source!
Grow What We Eat… Eat What We Grow!
Come on out and support our Parish’s Agricultural, Industrial and Food Show.
If you have been following Suga’s posts on Agro Fest, the remaining Exhibitors are:
The Petal’s Edge
Tropical Foliage
Jamaica Small Ruminants Society
Food Storage and Prevention of Infestation Division
Mathematics Resources
Bludum’s Accessories
Ebony Park Academy
Natural Wood Forms Creations
Tropical Foliage
Office of Utilities Regulation
Blood Transfusion service
National Council for Senior Citizens
Antidumping & Subsidies Commission
L. Brown
4H Clubs – Public Gardens
G-Lovers Orchard
Caribbean AgriProduct Trading Co.
If you would like to see the other Distributors, check the following links:
All Roads Lead to Agro Fest 21 this Saturday at Jamaica College!
Make sure you stop by the Burgess’ Booth, ‘AgroFest21’ to see and sample rare and popular fruits. There will also unforgettable images of Agro Fest over the years and more.
Suga hopes to see you soon!
By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this promo, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Grow What We Eat… Eat What We Grow!
Come on out and support our Parish’s Agricultural, Industrial and Food Show this Saturday, May 20 at Jamaica College. Gates open from 8am.
Some of the Exhibitors will be:
Agricultural Chemical Plants
Agro Grace Ltd.
H & L Agro
SOS Foods
Stewart’s Autosales Ltd
A Touch of Art
Truman’s Plants
National Blood Transfusion Service
Devine Treasures
Cool Sun Plant Nursery
Stay tuned to see who else will be there!
By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this promo, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Grow What We Eat… Eat What We Grow!
Come on out and support our Parish’s Agricultural, Industrial and Food Show on Saturday, May 20 at Jamaica College. Gates open from 8am.
Some of the Exhibitors will be:
Mavis Bank/Jablum
TaToni’s Accessories
T. Geddes Grant
Café Royale & More
The Heart Foundation of Jamaica
Forestry Department
RAS Organics
Perishables Ja Ltd./Carimed Ltd.
Solar Water Fountains Falls & Systems
Stay tuned to see who else will be there!
By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this promo, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.