Missed seeing our Suga Box?!

So sorry, we had a technical glitch, but here you go!

#tbt to one of our Christmas Corporate Gift Boxes!

@stushinthebush Seville Orange Marmalade
@purechocolatejamaica Dark Chocolate with Jamaican Rum
@cpjbeverages Josh Cab Sauv
@myflavoursofjamaica Scotch Bonnet & Coffee Flavoured Peanuts
Roasted & Ground @jablumcoffee

Follow @sugaboxja on Instagram! We only Box the Best of Local.

XoXo, Suga

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

GW Art Paintings at Christmas in July TODAY at the Jamaica Pegasus!


CHRISTMAS IN JULY is back again for its 5th staging TODAY!

Join the Tourism Enhancement Fund as they exhibit products from GW Art and other talented local artisans.

Over 50 new local suppliers of goods and services will be showcased in addition to your favourite returnees.

The event will be OPEN TO THE PUBLIC FROM 1PM-6PM TODAY and hosted by the vivacious Emprezz Golding.

Another new, framed piece from GW Art’s Summer Collection will be at Christmas in July today too. Come find the GW Art Painting that sings or speaks to you! This one is called, ‘Melody’.

GW Art’s NEW, Framed Painting, ‘Melody’ – (12×16)” acrylic on canvas [Framed by: Frame Art Ja].
Check out these new, vibrant, compact pieces that make us feel cosy at home or are perfect to give our island’s visitors to take back a piece of Jamaica with them.

(Top L) ‘Reggae Music’ (4×4)” mini tabletop, (Bottom L) ‘Irie Set’ (8×10)” painting and (R) ‘Our Doctor Bird’ (8×10)” painting – All Acrylic on canvas

Get GW Art in your space today or gift someone and help to Support Local!

Hope to see you later!

 #BuyJamaicanBuildJamaica #GWArtIsForEveryone


Website (Gallery):

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Artist)

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

You have to taste these Coconut Drops!

Ronetta Crooks-Allen of RSS Naturalll Delites with one of her daughters, Shaunell Allen at Christmas in July, a Tropical Wonderland Trade Show put on by THF at The Jamaica Pegasus last Thursday, July 19, 2018.

Suga visited Christmas in July at The Jamaica Pegasus last Thursday. It was the 4th staging of the event titled, ‘Tropical Wonderland Trade Show’ put on by the Tourism Enhancement Fund (THF). It is a Tourism Linkages Network Initiative showcasing unique Jamaican products available for wholesale and retail by local businesses. Products are usually suitable for Gifts, especially Corporate gifting and Souvenirs.

There were quite a few eye-catching displays, however I was particularly impressed by the invitation and pitch from Mrs. Ronetta Crooks-Allen of RSS Naturalll Delites to try her flavoured Coconut Drops. I am not a fan of Coconut Drops, so I was pleasantly surprised with how appetizing her Cranberry flavoured Coconut Drops tasted. I was even more impressed that it was not too sweet or overpowered by the cranberries. The essence of coconut was still highlighted and quite delightful to the palate.

See Contact Information for RSS Naturalll Delites below to give those Cranberry flavoured Coconut Drops a try! Grater Cakes and other flavours of Coconut Drops are available as well.

Stay tuned to see where these yummy Coconut Drops may pop up in the future too! #BuyLocal

Yummy Coconut Drops and Grater Cakes from RSS Naturalll Delites #SugaEndorsed

RSS Naturalll Delites

Location: 138 Rhone Park Estate. Old Harbour, St. Catherine. JA. W.I.

Ph: 876.486.7469

Email: [email protected]

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.