Suga Lifestyle assisting with Execution of Episode 1 of JMEA’s Buy JAMAICAN Live Exhibit Tomorrow!

Gabrielle Burgess a.k.a Suga, Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle

Suga is excited to announce that after pioneering the 1st Virtual Pop Up Shop on Zoom in Jamaica, she will be assisting with the execution of the 1st episode of JMEA’s Buy JAMAICAN Live Exhibit tomorrow, Friday, June 19th at 7:30pm hosted by Debbie Bissoon!

Register for Zoom Access by Emailing [email protected] or by simply clicking on this link below Suga Bears!


JMEA’s Buy JAMAICAN Live Exhibit will be an evening online show that offers their membership a virtual platform to expose their brand via presenting their products/services to the wider
Jamaican populace residing locally and abroad. The show seeks to improve consumer knowledge on locally made products/services while strengthening the support for those products and

Ultimately the series will assist with driving the Buy Jamaican Build Jamaica movement by garnering more support for locally made products and services. This initiative resonates with the Suga Lifestyle brand and that is why Suga is more than happy to offer assistance to execute the show.

We are navigating through Covid and we are moving forward! So yes, Shop online, but Shop Jamaican! Virtually shop Jamaican!

So who will be on the show?!

Episode 1 features 8 Micro and Medium Jamaican Companies showcasing amazing, quality Products and Services in the industries of Personal care, Skincare, Fashion, Food, Health and Wellness, Ceramics and more:

● Irie Rock (Ig: @irierock)
● Ettenio (Ig: @ettenio)
● Designs by Marc Limited (Ig: @designs_by_marc)
● KOKOBEENZ LIMITED (Ig: @kokobeenz)
● Baughaus (Ig: @baughaus)
● CNC Wellness Ltd. (Ig: @cncwellness)
● Honey Vera (Ig: @honeyveraja)
● Chocolate Dreams (Ig: @chocolatedreamsjm)

What a line up! There will be Giveaways too!

If you do not get Zoom access, the show will be streamed Live on JMEA’s Facebook page, @TheJMEALimited!

Please spread the word and help our fellow Jamaicans and other individuals across the globe know how to access our remarkable locally made products and services.

Stay tuned to our Instagram pages @sugalifestyle and @theJMEA_ for updates !

Buy Local. Buy Jamaican. 🇯🇲

Building a Better Jamaica 


By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

HAPPY MONDAY! Suga closed out Birthday Week with Brunch at The Jamaica Pegasus !

Gabrielle Burgess a.k.a Suga

Sunday Brunch is back at The Jamaica Pegasus !!! Dining at The Blue Window yesterday was the perfect closing to Suga’s Birthday week, as they always make me feel right at home. Ask for Marcia when you go!

General Manager, Peter Hilary as well as Assistant Food and Beverage Manager, Mikhailla Robinson were present throughout to ensure Brunch service ran smoothly and interacted with Diners.

All Sanitary Protocols were observed. Diners sanitized before entry, all staff members were masked, the tables were adequately spaced and were set after diners were seated and we had to be served by staff at the Buffet. Chafing dishes were kept closed if no diners were ready to be served and opened towards the server. Wearing of masks by diners around the Buffet station was mandatory. #SugaSnaps


We were offered rich Jamaican Hot Chocolate and Soup first, then could go to the Buffet that offered delicious Jamaican fare in addition to the Carving station, Salad bar, Crepe/Waffle station and Dessert station. A glass of Fruit Juice was also included.

Carving Station
Fresh Fruits
Salad Station
Salad Station
Dessert Station

Everything was on point, but highlights for Suga were the juicy, tender Oxtail, Crackling Roasted Pork that Executive Chef, Mark Cole says is in high demand and understandably so and those delightful jelly-filled doughnuts!




To top things off, I got a ‘Happy Birthday’ Serenade along with a slice of rich, moist Chocolate Cake! Thank you!


Stay tuned for more of Suga’s Culinary Escapades for her Birthday Week!

Watch “Sunday Brunch is Back at The Jamaica Pegasus!” By Suga Lifestyle on YouTube here:

Music by: Richard Foulkes at The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel

Brunch is 11:30am to 3pm and is just $3500JMD per person, subject to tx & Service Charge. *Reservations required* #SugaEndorsed

Check out Brunch for Father’s Day!

The Blue Window at The Jamaica Pegasus will be hosting Brunch for Father’s Day next Sunday in 2 separate rooms, with limited availability. So reservations are recommended, but Take Out Specials are also available.


The Blue Window Restaurant, Jamaica Pegasus

Location: 81 Knutsford Blvd., Kingston 5

Ph: 876-926-3691 

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

TGIF to Suga’s Birthday Cake from SEAR274!


TGIF to My Birthday Cake from SEAR274!

ABSOLUTE PERFECTION from the details to the core! I made a special request to hubby that I wanted a pretty Birthday Cake that tasted good too and he did well!

It was ‘REAL RICH 👏’ My Cake was filled with the new Pure Chocolate Company’s 70% Dark Chocolate – Coffee flavour and Almonds. The few friends that I had celebrate with me raved about it and by the end of the night we were only left with 1 slice! #SugaSnaps #SugaEndorsed

Sear 274


Instagram: @sear274

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Brunching at The Rib Kage Grill During Love in the Time of Corona!

Gabrielle Burgess a.k.a Suga and husband, Randy Burgess at The Rib Kage Grill last Sunday, June 7, 2020.

Suga’s Ratings for The Rib Kage Grill

Date and time of visit: Sunday, June 7, 2020 @ 11:30am

No. of diners: 2

NB. Ratings fill 5 stars maximum

Parking: ★★★★★

Ambience: ★★★☆☆

Décor: ★★★☆☆

Comfort: ★★★★★

Service: ★★★★★

Speed: ★★★★★

Food quality: ★★★★☆

Serving amount: ★★★★★

Plating: ★★★★★

Value for $: ★★★★★

Suga’s Breakdown!

During Love In The Time of Corona, Suga and hubby, Randy Burgess brunched outside! As restaurants slowly start to reopen, we jumped at the opportunity to try The Rib Kage Grill located in Sovereign North and kick-start Suga’s Birthday week as well.

Still taking precautions, we made reservations for their opening time at 11:30am and we were their first and only diners at that time, where everything was clean and spotless. We only saw a family pick up a take-out order.

Mandella was our waiter and the service was superb from we entered until we left. We appreciated Mandella. Another positive coming out of Corona is the extra effort to offer great customer service and for customers to be pleasant and thankful on the receiving end as well. I hope it lasts!

I don’t eat Pork often, but I have been craving their Crispy Pork Belly Waffles since they posted it. So I definitely ordered that, Randy ordered the Korean Chicken and Waffles and we shared the Smoky Ackee and Tostones, which was a tasty starter.

Smoky Ackee and Tostones ($1200JMD) – Crunchy twice fried Green Plantain topped with Ackee and Smoked Herring.

Crispy Pork Belly does not have much meat if any, but I would have liked if the few bits I had were more tender with melt-in-your-mouth fat after I got past the tasty, crispy char. My waffles were crisp, but I wanted them to be a bit more fluffy in the middle. So I was slightly disappointed, but it was filling and I was still able to enjoy it.

Crispy Pork Belly Waffles ($1650JMD+tx) – Vietnamese Crispy Pork Belly with Waffles *There was no Green Papaya Salad as the menu stated.

Randy’s Waffles were perfect. Stick to what you know! Golden brown with a huge serving of delish Korean style Fried Chicken. Mandella also enthusiastically offered us some freshly whipped cream on the side.

Korean Chicken and Waffles ($1650JMD +tx) – Crispy Belgian Waffles with Korean Style Fried Chicken and Cucumber Kimchee.

Of course we had to drink while we brunched! We had the refreshing Dirty Mojito and Lychee Lemongrass Freeze Cocktails. Cheers!

Dirty Mojito Cocktail ($950JMD +tx) – Mint, Wet sugar, Lime juice, Myers Rum, Appleton, Angostura Bitters; Lychee Lemongrass Freeze Cocktail  ($950JMD +tx)

The Rib Kage Grill

Location: Sovereign North, 29 Barbican Road

Ph: 876-778-7427; 876-632-4994

Instagram: @theribkagegrill

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page

Today is the Day! Suga’s Birthday!


Today is the Day! Suga’s Birthday!

‘It a keep!’

I am truly blessed to have my Birthday fall on June 10th, when businesses are reopening, persons are heading back to work and well basically, the country is reopening. I find joy in spreading positive vibes and even though some of us including myself may feel naturally nervous about what the future will hold, we are ALL moving forward during and after Covid-19.

Stay tuned to SUGA, yes that’s the good ‘Suga’ with no ‘r’, as I continue to embrace and PROMOTE local and small businesses with love. My 2020 GW Art Collection is ongoing! Thanks to all who have supported GW Art from the very beginning and especially during Covid 19. Looking forward to new support too, as GW Art is for everyone!

During Love In The Time Of Corona continues as I ENTERTAIN you with my Restaurant Reviews and other Culinary outings and experiences.

I truly feel a huge void without the NBA Finals on my Birthday, but I look forward to its return with other Sports and entertaining you with commentary and updates for them too.

As a Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist, I practice what I preach and I am pleased and proud to announce that I hit my ‘Dirty 30’ weight, also my Wedding Day weight once again!💪🏾 I am just a phone call away to EDUCATE.

Celebrate with Me!

Most importantly, please remember the Charity Fundraiser, Mariposa, that I am supporting for my Birthday to fight Childhood Cancer!  I am thankful to everyone I have INSPIRED to purchase Cupcakes and Donate to help save Rajé. Here are the details if you would like to participate or donate any day this week until Friday!


Again, I am Thankful. Cheers to 35 and Going into Overdrive! 🥂

Suga 💖

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.




Pure Chocolate Company (Instagram: @purechocolatecompany) Chocolate Bars are NOW AVAILABLE at The Commissary Ja (Instagram: @thecommisaryja) kiosk at Devon House every Wednesday to Sunday from 12noon to 5pm!


Chocollor Chocolate (Instagram: @chocollorchocolate) Bars are NOW AVAILABLE at Select Grocers Supermarket, Upper Manor Park Plaza and Lee’s Food Fair Supermarket on Red Hills Road!


Mount Pleasant Farm Chocolatiers (Instagram: mountpleasantchocolatiers) have NEW PACKAGING for their Chocolate Bars! See the new packaging and what else they have to offer here!



Cafe Blue Jamaica (Instagram: @cafeblueja) has their Chocolate Bars and other branded products in Saint T Florals (Instagram: @sainttflorals) Gift Boxes AVAILABLE for Father’s Day!





Go get your Chocolate! Our Jamaican Chocolate! 🍫

Buy Local, Buy Jamaican. Support our local Cocoa Farmers 🇯🇲

Suga 💖

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

TGIF to Drinks last Weekend by the Poolside Bar at The Jamaica Pegasus!

Kareem Tomlinson, Gabrielle Burgess a.k.a Suga, Michael Campbell and Jhanille Brooks enjoying Drinks by the Poolside Bar at The Jamaica Pegasus last Saturday, May 30, 2020.

I finally got a few friends to come and have some drinks with me in the open air by the Poolside Bar at The Jamaica Pegasus!

We observed social distancing as much as possible, our waitress was attentive and wore her mask and we wore ours to enter and leave. They gave us cute poolside table lamps too!

The Poolside Bar was actually closed a little earlier that day, but they had no issues facilitating our preference to be in open air and brought drinks down to us from The Blend Bar upstairs.

It was surely a nostalgic feeling to pour Drinks at a bar and ask my friends to pass the ice bucket with their clean hands. Then drink with just enough time to make curfew 😉 As Restaurants and Bars slowly start to reopen, thanks to The Jamaica Pegasus for never closing their doors with all necessary protocols observed, remaining Kingston’s preferred Hotel. We appreciate you👌🏾🍻 #SugaSnaps #SugaEndorsed 

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Suga is Ready for JUNE with her Branded Mask from Topp In Designz!


Topp In Designz Ltd. has definitely found its niche in the Covid-19 essential market with their high quality, Branded and Reusable face masks with 2 layers and a slot for an additional filter for added protection.

Topp In remains innovative with their demo video showing the makings of their masks.

For my first Reusable face mask, I had to go to them and I still ordered from another source. So stay tuned. But with Topp In, my order was ready within two days after ordering online. Their store on Ardenne Road to pay for the order to go into production is quite central, or you can pay via bank transfer. I got my masks, which included one for my husband by Curbside pick up. No complaints. These masks do not fall below the nose! Sturdy, breathable and fashionable.

Suga is ready for JUNE! Also my Birthday month!

Suga in her branded mask from Topp In Designz, is wearing Adult Size Very Small with comfortable adjustable elastic around the ears. (Cost: $1000JMD)

Check these NEW clear pouches out too! No more digging around in the handbag with dirty hands to find something or spraying it over and over with lysol. These plastic pouches are easy to sanitize.


PRESS has been navigating through Covid-19 too with their Wellness Shots that have Turmeric, Lime juice, Ginger and Honey. Love them! They’re fire! #SugaEndorsed. So you know they go fast!

Also can’t wait to have their NEW Immune Booster Smoothie with Vitamin C, Turmeric and Ginger!


Support Small Businesses and Shop Local.

Topp In Designz Ltd.

Location: Shop 21, 7-9 Ardenne Road.
Ardenne Emirates. Kgn. 10, Ja

Ph: 876.506.1088

Email: [email protected]


Facebook; Instagram: Topp In Designz Ltd.; @toppindesignz

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Up to 20% off to Develop your Own Products for June!


We are moving forward after COVID-19 and not looking back. Now is the time to be innovative!

Natural Sources Consultancy may turn your ideas in the lab to products on the shelves! Even if you do not have an idea, they can help you create one!

They help to formulate products for skin care, cosmetics, hair care, household, food and more.


If you would like to develop a product and kick start your business or even stock up your home with items you’ve made yourself, call them today! Now is the time, with up to 20% off!


Natural Sources Consultancy
Contact: Prudence Hall
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: natural_sources_consultancy

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Be EXAM READY with these CXC & CAPE Past Papers and Resources!


It’s Back to School time Kids! Who’s EXAM READY? Are we ever?!

UWI Student, David Rose has provided Suga with numerous Past Papers and Learning Resources for CXC and CAPE for any student who needs them!

***If you know any students about to sit CXC/CAPE, ANY SUBJECT, please share this blog.***

CAPE PAST PAPERS My personal cape folder

CXC/CSEC Paper 1’s csec paper 1’s

CXC/CSEC Paper 2’s csec paper two’s

CXC/CSEC Past Papers Always looking to help out the students who can’t access the resources

Good Luck!

Students of Suga’s Alma Mater, Immaculate Conception High School

Our Children Are Our Future

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.