Unbeelievable Honey will be coming in from May Pen for Suga Lifestyle’s GW Art Exhibition this Saturday @liguaneaclub from 12 NOON – 6PM!

Unbeelievable Honey will have samples of their 100% natural honey and infused honey and all will be available for sale.

They have 750ml, 12oz and 8oz sizes.
I am especially excited to try the infused honey. Imagine getting your fruits or ginger with honey, like a 2-in-1 immune system booster! 🙌ðŸ¾ðŸ‘ðŸ¾

Hope to see you this Saturday!
Remember masks are required for entry, social distancing will be enforced with space to accommodate and the event is sponsored by Miracle Corporation’s SANIWISE, who will have their available Sanitization & Personal care products on display in addition to use of their Sanitization stations. 😷👌ðŸ¾ðŸ’–

Unbeelievable Honey
Ph: 876-532-0836
Email: [email protected]
Instagram: @unbeelievablehoney
*Islandwide Delivery Available*
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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