Annual Easter Fair in Jack’s Hill on Easter Monday!


Having a quiet Easter Monday? Pick up your Lunch or Dinner at St. Matthew’s Mission Jack’s Hill’s annual Easter Fair by Jack’s Hill Community Centre.

Food is served from 12pm to 5pm, but the earlier you go the better or call to reserve your meal choice.

Tickets cost $1000JMD and you would be supporting the St. Matthew’s Building Fund.

Suga wishes you a Happy and Holy Easter!

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

There is a NEW Swimsuit Store in Town!



Swim Shop 876 has opened its doors on 92 Hope Road, Shop #12 (The same complex as Bookophilia). They sell various styles of swimsuits at an affordable cost of $5000JMD from Size Small to 3XL.



If you can’t get to the store, follow @swimshop876 on instagram because they deliver islandwide!

Support our local businesses. Swimshop876 is #SugaEndorsed

Swimshop 876

Location: 82 Hope Road. Shop #12

Ph/Whatsapp: 876-440-4162; 876-883-3823; 876-846-0702

Opening Hours: Tuesdays to Saturdays, 11am – 7pm

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

The NBA Playoffs are on and Poppin!


The NBA PLAYOFFS is on and poppin! Who you got?!
On the EAST side, the BUCKS have been blazing, the CELTICS are a dark horse, usually a playoff team and the RAPTORS should reach conference finals, but tend to choke choke choke.
On the WEST side, WARRIORS are still strong but Cousins went down last night with what may seem like a quad injury. The CLIPPERS erased a 31-pt deficit to beat them! James Harden and the ROCKETS always play well during the season, but will they finally deliver?! The TRAIL BLAZERS have been consistent this year unlike a disjointed OKC and I expect the SPURS to upset the young NUGGETS.

Stay tuned! I LOVE THIS GAME!

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Phenomenal Women United SOLD OUT their Artwork!

Gabby a.k.a Suga with members of the Rotaract Club of New Kingston and the young ladies of Phenomenal Women United celebrating after all of the artwork were sold out at Craft Cart Jamaica’s Pop Up Village last Saturday, April 13, 2019.


Over the past 6 weeks, the young ladies from The Women’s Centre and Young Women’s Christian Association that dubbed themselves, Phenomenal Women United, showed significant growth in their approach towards art, their appreciation for their talents and the understanding that their efforts are what will yield results. Of course, there were some who learned faster than others, but in addition to learning artistic techniques, tips on entrepreneurship and customer service skills, they learnt how to have a sound work ethic and an appreciation for time management. They should never forget Suga telling them, “Time is money”.

Suga is extremely happy to report that the ladies’ artwork sold out at Craft Cart Jamaica’s Pop Up Village last Saturday at Campion Auditorium. The young ladies were grateful and felt a great deal of accomplishment for their weeks of hard work and efforts. The project was definitely a success reaping in a bit over $50,000JMD, of which the young ladies kept all the proceeds.

Thanks to the Rotaract Club of Kingston for choosing me to help spearhead this impactful project via GW Art, which falls under my brand Suga Lifestyle.

Many thanks to all who assisted with training the young ladies, helped in the marketing and promotions of this project and to those who stayed glued to our social media accounts, kept it buzzing with compliments and to all who supported the project with your purchases. You have contributed to the financial empowerment and independence of six young women with a promising future.

What’s next for them? They will continue their studies and a few plan to continue exploring the field of art.

Keep up with the New Kingston Rotaract Club by following them on Instagram @nkrcjamaica and if you are between the ages of 18-30 see how you can join them!

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Check out Phenomenal Women United Tomorrow!


Suga Lifestyle (GW Art) has teamed up with the Rotaract Club of New Kingston to assist some young ladies from The Women’s Centre and the Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA), to find their inner artist and present their artwork for sale at a Pop Up Village this Saturday April 13, put on by Craft Cart Jamaica.

The young ladies have also been trained in entrepreneurship and customer service. They have dubbed themselves the ‘PHENOMENAL WOMEN UNITED’.



Please come by this Saturday and support this worthy cause.

Follow @SugaLifestyle for more information and to see some short videos introducing the Artists and their products.

Help to Build a Better Jamaica.

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

#tbt to this Cheesy Surf & Turf!

20190410_160549Cheat meal anyone? #tbt to this Cheesy Surf & Turf from Black Orchid Restaurant in Eden Gardens! #SugaEndorsed

Black Orchid Restaurant

Location: Eden Gardens Wellness Resort & Spa @ 39 Lady Musgrave Road, Kingston

Ph: 876-946-9977

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

U wah Breadfruit?!


U wah Breadfruit?! …For all our foreigners out there, this one is for you! Farm fresh, roasted breadfruit from Linga Ya Farms packaged and ready for travel.

If in Kingston, find it at a supermarket near you!

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.


Do you know a potential Youth Ambassador for Jamaica willing to travel Overseas?


If you know a Jamaican citizen between 15 – 18 years old with the credentials stated above, they could qualify to be a Youth Ambassador.

For more information and for Online Application, visit:

[email protected]

***APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, April 15, 2019***

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

Signs of Autism and the Perfect Book for Parents of Autistic Kids


Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD), is presented when a child’s social skills are challenged, they have repetitive behaviors and when they face difficulty with speech and nonverbal communication.

Autism can present itself at different stages of a child’s life, even up to age 3. It is important for parents or caregivers to learn the signs of Autism to seek professional help if necessary.

***Not all children with autism show all the signs. Many children who don’t have autism show a few. That’s why professional evaluation is crucial.***


By 6 months

  • Few or no big smiles or other warm, joyful and engaging expressions
  • Limited or no eye contact

By 9 months

  • Little or no back-and-forth sharing of sounds, smiles or other facial expressions

By 12 months

  • Little or no babbling
  • Little or no back-and-forth gestures such as pointing, showing, reaching or waving
  • Little or no response to name

By 16 months

  • Very few or no words

By 24 months

  • Very few or no meaningful, two-word phrases (not including imitating or repeating)

At any age

  • Loss of previously acquired speech, babbling or social skills
  • Avoidance of eye contact
  • Persistent preference for solitude
  • Difficulty understanding other people’s feelings
  • Delayed language development
  • Persistent repetition of words or phrases (echolalia)
  • Resistance to minor changes in routine or surroundings
  • Restricted interests
  • Repetitive behaviors (flapping, rocking, spinning, etc.)
  • Unusual and intense reactions to sounds, smells, tastes, textures, lights and/or colors

[Source: ]

Are you a parent of an Autistic Child? 

If so, here is the perfect book by a Jamaican Author for you and your child that is available on Amazon.


By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.

TGIF from Smoked Marlin Restaurant!

Suga a.k.a Gabby Burgess with husband, Randy Burgess at Smoked Marlin Restaurant 2 years ago.

Flashback Friday to lunch at Smoked Marlin Restaurant two years ago.

Smoked Marlin is still up and running on the western end of the island, Hanover and is a fantastic spot for Seaside dining while indulging in authentic Jamaican cuisine.

Smoked Marlin Restaurant

Location: Main Street. Hopewell, Hanover

Ph: 876-609-4181

By: Gabrielle Burgess

If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.