Want to be a Suga Artisan or Improve Your Marketing/Sales Strategies? Register Now!

Suga Lifestyle is hosting an Artisan Workshop on SATURDAY, MARCH 29 at Regus, New Kingston in the PanJam Building !

You’re always as good as your last show. With Expo Jamaica and more coming up:

Participate in the Workshop, learn or polish up your Sales Strategies, Client Relations, Branding & Marketing Skills from your Jamaica Chamber of Commerce Entrepreneur of the Year, Gabby Burgess of Suga Lifestyle and CBX Business News/Jamaica Stock Exchange Reporter, Yoneil Wood.

Get Finance & Business Education Advice from Neilson Rose, Host of Let’s Talk Stocks and the International Business News on CBX, Jamaica Stock Exchange.

You could WIN a spot at the upcoming Suga Lifestyle Mother’s Day Expo on SATURDAY, MAY 3 and an interview highlighting your Business on Jamaica Stock Exchange’s CBX CENTV Live Channel !

Have a Great Day !

Saturday, MAY 3!

By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)

***Awarded by the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce for Entrepreneur of the Year and Nominated for Best in Chamber (Micro Enterprise)***

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