Suga Lifestyle presents Mira Botanicals once again! Let Helen DaCosta assist your loved ones to take care of their beautiful skin at reasonable costs with natural, handmade products. She has Recyclables to help take care of the environment too.
Shop Body Oils and give that special someone a massage!
Purchase all the essentials for a soothing bath.

Once we take care of ourselves, we have to take care of our surroundings too. Stock up on your Recyclables.

Stay tuned and follow this website or the @sugalifestyle Instagram/Facebook page to see who else will be at Suga’s V-Day Pop Up Shop THIS SATURDAY at The Jamaica Pegasus Hotel from 12 to 6pm in the Rio Bueno room by the Hotel’s lobby.
By: Gabrielle Burgess
If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.