Jablum Coffee COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE & TASTING ON DECEMBER 12 in their very own Jamaica Pegasus Suite!
Watch “Jablum Coffee COMPLIMENTARY COFFEE & TASTING ON DECEMBER 12!” on YouTube here:
Jablum Coffee is again a PROUD SPONSOR of Suga Lifestyle’s Christmas Connection on Saturday, December 12, 2020. WE APPRECIATE YOU!!! Don’t miss out!
You can purchase Instant Jablum Coffee on www.sugalifestyle.com NOW!
Bring out the Family to enjoy Suga Lifestyle’s Christmas Connection at Jamaica Pegasus on
***Covid-19 Protocol will be observed***

TICKETS available at Jablum Oxford on Mon-Fri from 9am-3pm!

Can’t make it physically? Register for the Virtual Experience on www.gustazos.com or click on Direct link here!

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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