Suga’s Ratings for RafJam Bed & Breakfast’s Restaurant
Date and time of visit:Â Sunday, October 18, 2020 at 9:30am
No. of diners: 2
NB. Ratings fill 5 stars maximum
Parking: ★☆☆☆☆
Ambience: ★★★★★
Décor: ★★★☆☆
Comfort: ★★★★★
Service: ★★★★★
Speed: ★★★★☆
Food quality: ★★★★★
Serving amount: ★★★★★
Plating: ★★★☆☆
Value for $: ★★★★★
Suga’s Breakdown:Â
After 3 years, I finally made it. Imagine it took a German friend visiting Jamaica to tell me about RafJam Bread and Breakfast. Then I was reminded about it by Jamaica’s 1st Blue Mountain Coffee Festival a bit over 2 years ago when they drafted their Culinary trail and posted signs all along the way. Look out for them!
RafJam Bread and Breakfast is nestled in Red Light District, Irish Town, also known as Backpacker District. It’s the Right turn after Craighton Estate, i.e. the 2nd Right turn after Cafe Blue. When you make that right turn leading downhill to RafJam, follow the signs and beware that the road is a bit ‘Raf’. But difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations right?! Indeed it did.

My husband, Randy and I, parked walking distance away so we wouldn’t block in anyone and arrived at the quaintest house tucked away in the Blue Mountains. We were greeted by owner, Susan, telling us immediately what was for Breakfast as if she was welcoming us home from a long trip on the road. It is indeed her home. Susan inherited her parent’s house and decided to transform the lush, tropical paradise into a magnificent Blue Mountain getaway.
I was initially disappointed that we missed out on the Ackee & Callaloo, leaving limited choices of Salt Mackerel or Saltfish and Baked Beans, but I was prepared for simple, Jamaican cuisine. We both ordered the Salt Mackerel.
We sat outdoors with an instant reminder of how beautiful Jamaica is. We overlooked, lush, green vegetation by a river and small waterfall. Tropical Paradise. Sweet Jamaica. Jamaica Land We Love.

Our Breakfast arrived and it was far from simple. It was freshly cooked, homemade, farm to table goodness! Salt Mackerel with boiled food to equip you to make a small climb up to see their 15-ft waterfall, and a side of fresh watermelon.

It was cold, but we enjoyed the freshwater river pools, didn’t take the clean, fresh air for granted and had a few drinks from their Tiki Bar before we headed back downhill to make curfew.

Upon leaving we heard them telling a few European visitors what was for Lunch, a more expanded menu, with more Jamaican goodness. We were very tempted to stay, so will return to RafJam, hopefully one day soon. #SugaEndorsed

RafJam Bed and Breakfast
Location: 6 Springdale Cove, Hopewell Road, Red Light District, Irish Town, Kingston. JA.
Ph: 876.897.4767; 876.516.5442
Website: www.rafjam.com
Instagram: @rafjambnb
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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