Suga Lifestyle is still so happy, grateful and thankful for EVERYONE who supported and participated in ANOTHER Suga Lifestyle’s Mother’s Day Pop Up last Saturday!
Watch “THANKS for showing Local, Small Business 💖 last Saturday at The Kamaica Pegasus!” on YouTube here:
Thanks soooo much to The Jamaica Pegasus for their hospitality and constant supervision to allow the event to run smoothly and safely.
Thanks to my Suga Bears and Patrons who came out, shopped, adhered to Covid-19 protocol and totally enjoyed Suga Lifestyle’s pleasant, atmosphere that’s always a friendly and family affair.
Two Suga Artisans SOLD OUT: MYLK Dairy Free Ice Cream and Simply Luxe and the majority did so well. WE LOVE TO SEE IT!

I’m sure there were a lot of Happy Mothers and excited expecting Mommies yesterday.

Thanks again for getting retail therapy while showing Small Business Love and Supporting Suga Lifestyle and Rotaract Club of New Kingston’s ‘s Charity via Suga Box Ja!!!

Thanks always to my Hubby, Family and Friends for your encouragement
and support. ANOTHER ONE!
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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