I am Gabrielle Burgess, Radiologic Technologist by trade, also Founder/Owner of Suga Lifestyle.
Suga Lifestyle #issalifestyle :
I am a Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist, passionate about Sports, Health & Wellness. I will be conducting my Personal Training sessions all week, while getting a little me time in with Spinning and Tennis.
My website, sugalifestyle.com and Instagram/Facebook pages, @sugalifestyle highlights this passion in addition to my love for Painting with my GW Art, giving back and discovering naturally talented local Artisans and the best Food spots across Jamaica.
So I’ll also be busy planning my annual Christmas Connection to be held on DECEMBER 11 at The Jamaica Pegasus showcasing local artisans and businesses in the MSME sector.
Also very thankful for an early Christmas order for my GW Art (Ig: @gwartbygabby), so will be 🖌🎨 too.
Excuse me, as I continue to drink my Jablum Coffee!
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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