Happy New Year Suga Fam!
The New Year is here and Suga Lifestyle will continue to provide a cocktail of services that facilitates promoting and growing small, local businesses and entrepreneurs via our Pop-ups and Expos, producing Paintings via GW Art and conducting Nutrition and Personal Training sessions via Fit Happens with Gabby. This is a reminder of how Suga Lifestyle elevates not only Brand Jamaica, but uplifts our people as well. We are always grateful for your support, and as we grow more each year, please stay tuned to our upcoming Events and Offerings.

Please do not procrastinate to get your diets back on track and exercise routines. If you would like a fun, vibrant reminder or the knowledge of how to get to a Happier, Fitter and Healthier You for 2024, Fit Happens with Gabby can do that for you and you can also spread the knowledge by having presentations done for your staff or coworkers. Fit Happens with Gabby has been certified in Personal Training and Sports Nutrition for over a decade. With the Experience of doing Restaurant Ratings and Reviews, working with multiple ages, body types and ailments, Fit Happens with Gabby is equipped to not only tell you What to Eat, but Where to Eat.

Suga Lifestyle wishes you a Happy, Healthy, Blessed and Prosperous New Year!
Save the Date
Suga Lifestyle’s Valentine’s Pop-Up at The Liguanea Club’s Outer Member Lounge, New Kingston, Saturday, FEBRUARY 10!
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
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