Parmesan Crusted Chicken and Mash

The Macau Gaming Lounge and Bar

Parmesan Crusted Chicken and Mash
Parmesan Crusted Chicken and Mash

The Macau Gaming Lounge and Bar *Review for Bar

Ph#: 876-925-6395

Address: 28 Lindsay Crescent. Kingston 10.

NB. Ratings fill 5 stars maximum

Parking: ★★★★★

Ambience: ★★★☆☆

Decor: ★★★☆☆

Comfort: ★★★★☆

Service: ★★☆☆☆

Speed: ★★☆☆☆

Food quality: ★★★★☆

Serving amount: ★★★★★

Plating: ★★★★☆

Value for $: ★★★★☆

Date of Visit: 19/7/14

SuGa Endorsement: ★★★☆☆

Comments: Food consistently decent but service always poor. Unpleasant, slow and inattentive wait staff.

Dracula Transformation Needed at 24 Seven Cafe, The Jamaica Pegasus

I’ve heard the Paninis at 24 Seven Cafe at The Jamaica Pegasus are not that good, but I usually enjoy the majority of other items on the menu so decided to give it a try last Saturday night.

As usual, the service was on point. I ordered the Chicken Pesto Panini and got it quickly. I took a huge bite into it and could hardly get my teeth in and out. The bread was so tough and hard to cut into. I either needed a steak knife or Dracula teeth. The chicken breast was slightly overcooked or probably reheated with the bread because it was not tender. Thankfully the pesto sauce was tasty and the only positive of the meal, but did not make up for the fact that it costed $1050JMD including tax. Definitely not worth it. For now, stick to the Wraps and wheel and come again with those Paninis.

It’s over. German Glory for the World Cup!

Germany gained their 4th star yesterday in a stunning match against Argentina in the World Cup 2014 finals staged at the historic, Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Though scoreless on both sides for full-time, it was a highly contested match all the way through. It was substitute, Mario Gotze in the 112th minute of extra time who made it happen for Germany, scoring a fantastic goal to win 1-0 aka One Love, a hot Bob Marley, as Jamaicans would say.

Congrats to the Germans! Russia 2018 next!

SuGa Lifestyle would like to thank all its readers, especially over the past few weeks from as far as Spain, Brazil, Bulgaria, Israel, Italy and India and the faithful readers from Canada, Barbados, UK, Cayman and ofcourse, Jamaica.  Stay tuned for more things to come in this sizzlin’ Summer.

- Taken from Pandora website

Suga Lifestyle’s Gabby goes Rue from her Visit to Bijoux

- Taken from Pandora websiteExcited about the ‘buy 2 get one free’ Pandora ring promotion that was emailed to me from one of my favourite Pandora outlets in the states and the Bijoux gift certificate I had in hand, I gave Bijoux a call last week. I asked if they were offering the same promotion and they said yes. I also asked what are their opening hours, the response was 9am to 5pm. Knowing that I wouldn’t make it during the week I asked for the opening hours on Saturdays and the response was the same.

Now on Saturday morning, the Brazil match was on at 11am and I needed to secure my seat from a bit after 10 so I rushed out of the house to make it to Bijoux at 9:30am. To my surprise and annoyance, doors were closed and chained tight. So I went by The Liguanea Club to pass the time to call them on the hour at 10. No one answered the phone until 10:05am then I asked how come I was told they opened at 9, I was curtly told it was not possible for anyone to tell me that. I said, ‘Possible’ and made my way over by 10:07am. As I walked in, I could see they were still setting up and not prepared for customers. There was only one customer inside with her child by the Pandora area being assisted by a lady, where I headed straight over to.

I have never been to Bijoux because I know they usually close early and I am busy on most Saturdays. So I usually do my purchases during vacay or holiday weekends in Ocho Rios and outlets in Florida and Atlanta. I always get great service at those places and expected the same from Bijoux. What was I thinking?!

Since my friends were now on their way to meet me and I was in a rush, I asked if someone else could assist me. There were no other customers in the store so I thought that was a more than reasonable request, whether they were setting up or not. But I was told to wait until the lady was free. I then expressed that I did not have the time and there was a misunderstanding with their opening hours and I came initially at 9:30am. The customer being assisted was in no rush and told the lady working (not of Indian descent) that she could go ahead and assist me first. The lady started to assist me. When one of the Indians saw that, ‘Imran’ not sure if he was supervisor, manager, co-owner or whatever, but he instantly came over with his hand full of tattoos, gesticulated and reprimanded the worker loudly so everyone could hear. He stated that she cannot just leave one customer and attend to me because I am upset. The other customer spoke up and said she did not mind at all. He said no, that’s not how it works. He then stormed off and instead of making himself useful and assisting one of us or even having the decency to come over and speak to me if he thought I was upset, as that was news to me until he just fired me up. I was in more shock than anything and was focused on capitalising on the ring promotion that ends on June 30th. I think others would have walked off at that point.

Anyhow, the lady continued to assist me but she was not aware of prices and handed me the Pandora ring book. I then told her since I had to check through the book she could go back to the other lady.

I exclaimed that this situation was ridiculous and I should have never come there and should have just gone to Ochi where I get better service. Ears perked, another Indian, Nick came over. He showed me more rings but did not know prices off the top of his head either. Shocking. He said everything was practically over $100US, which I know was not so. They did not have the main ring that I wanted that represented my birth month, June. I also did not know my ring size so he said he would get a sizer but let me look first. After which, he said that if test rings on display do not fit they may not have them in my size but stock may be available in other sizes for some that do not fit. So wouldn’t it make sense to at least have my finger measured first? At this point it was getting late, my friends were waiting on me and I just needed to leave. It just was not working out. I respected the fact that he made the effort to assist me and did not have an attitude either. He was quite civil and professional. I told him I was going to go especially since they did not have the ring I wanted. I hate shopping in a rush and I am used to chatting over a Red Stripe in Ocho Rios. This experience was a disaster. Nick offered to order the ring for me I told him there was no need, thanked him, the lady and the other customer and left.

Later on in the day when it all settled in I became infuriated all over again and called to speak to ‘Imran’ to express my total dissatisfaction with his rudeness and insulting service. He was not there and it was Nick on the phone so for whatever it was worth I went over the situation and he asked what they could do. I said have ‘Imran’ call me and apologise and let him understand that it is that poor service that cannot work.

Ofcourse he did not call. Not like I expected him to anyway. I am sure any amount of money I was going to spend whether big or small wouldn’t be worth a chick pea in his salad. But regardless of how successful he or the store may be, he clearly needed more training from his elders before he started working and needs to know that the customer is always right. I also learnt that I should stick to what I know.



Jamaica Observer 26.6.14

Had trouble with the link and couldn’t find the story? In case you missed it, see where you DO NOT want to go for a Roach Fest at Dim Sum today!!

Check out my fellow Food Awards Judge, Jodi’s entertaining review on Dragon Garden Restaurant in Constant Spring that was in the Jamaica Observer last Thursday by clicking on the link below, then redirect page by clicking on ‘Food’ then the title,  ‘The Dumpling, The Roach and The Judge’ :–The-Roach-and-The-Judge_16994802 | Jamaican News Online –

Jamaica Observer 26.6.14
Jamaica Observer 26.6.14



Roaches for Dim Sum, really?!

Check out my fellow Food Awards Judge, Jodi’s review on Dragon Garden Restaurant in Constant Spring that was in the Jamaica Observer yesterday by clicking on the link below, then redirect page by clicking on ‘Food’ then the title The Dumpling, The Roach and The Judge’:–The-Roach-and-The-Judge_16994802 | Jamaican News Online –


*Image – Jamaica Observer 26.6.14


Oh my! Check out this lunch from Layer Cake!

The Layer Cake went World Cup crazy with an Italian menu last Friday. It’s a pity the Italian fans could not celebrate a victory and the deliciousness!!!

The Italian Stuffed Chicken Meal-

Tender and succulent breast of chicken stuffed with roasted garlic, fresh basil, olive oil roasted tomatoes and a classic 3 cheese combination of fresh mozzarella, aged parmesan and mild cheddar. Drizzled with a spicy marinara sauce. Served with an orzo garden salad and a herb rice pilaf.

This tasted just like how it sounded, ABSOLUTELY Spectacular.

Cost: $1200JMD and they deliver!

After popular demands I cannot wait to see what is in store for this week and next week, will it be French or Brazilian?!

For more info contact Observer Food Awards Nominee Trevanne Donegal at [email protected]. Also I have much more to say about her ‘fantabulous’ creations so stay tuned 🙂

Italian ‘Luna di Mare’ Restaurant at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort & Spa

The Italian Restaurant, Luna di Mare is the winner for fine dining restaurants at the Hilton Rose Hall Resort and Spa. Two Saturdays ago, it was an elegant evening for my party of four. It was also a refreshing experience compared to the mediocre service, quality and poor range of options offered by the Main Buffet Restaurant and Grills during the days.

Our waiter, Kenrick pleasantly greeted the table and within 5 minutes our appetizers arrived, of which we all chose the Seafood Soup of the day. It was a bit spicy, but to the right degree. I must also point out that the table’s serving of garlic bread came with a very tasty Pesto sauce. Their menu included Pizzas, Pastas and Piattis with salivating descriptions of a Salmon Filet Risotto, Seafood Medley Pasta with creamy tomato sauce, Smoked Salmon Spaghetti with pesto cream sauce and more. Kenrick was quite knowledgeable about the menu and based on his description of various items on the menu I ordered the Fusilli Marinero, the Seafood Medley consisting of fish, scallops and shrimp with creamy tomato sauce. I suppose either my friends were not feeling as adventurous that night or the dish just seemed so appealing that we all ordered the same thing. The pasta was as good as we thought it would be.

Our servings were filling and the quality so satisfactory to our standards, that there was no room or need for dessert, so we enjoyed the quiet, dimly lighted setting with Italian themed wall paintings as we chatted about current affairs and sipped Chardonnay.