If you haven’t seen this yet, Suga would like to make you aware of the correct information about a possible Coal fired Power Plant negotiation with the Chinese in Jamaica.
A voicenote has been circulating on Whatsapp this month about having this kind of Power Plant in Jamaica and the effects.
The Jamaica Environment Trust (JET) clarified some of the statements made on the voicenote in their new fact sheet, which can be found at the following link ***(Also on their Facebook page, Jamaica Environment Trust):
Click to access coal_fact_sheet_2.pdf
After reading all the necessary information it is clear that there will be various negative effects on our health if such a Plant is put in place.
So we need to make our voices heard. Please sign the following petition to #SayNOtoCoalJA. We have over a 1000 signatures to go:
By: Gabrielle Burgess
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