Watch how we’re Drifting into the Week. On a Coffee High here! :
Fun Memories and Experience at Jamaica Coffee Festival Rain or Shine! Perfect outing for my friend Jody who was doing a quick visit to her JA from DC.
What’s in Your Cup this Morning?
We sipped both Hot and Cold Mountain Pride in edible, Vegan Cupffee Jamaica Cups,
Sampled lactose-free Smith’s Rum Creams,
had a big boost with Cold Coffee our way from Cafe Blue by the winning Barista that day, Romell!
Then we warmed up the richest, best and most authentic way, having our JBMCoffee Black by PerkUp Coffee and JABLUM Coffee!
Big up to all the other Coffee Makers on the Day too! #sipthegreatness
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
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