The pictures practically say it all, giving some Photo credit to Strictly Cookies Ja because this is a Cookie Jar you dig into right away.
Each month Strictly Cookies Ja usually presents an exciting new flavour and I had the pleasure of doing back to back, March and April! The Berry Cookie Jar and the Duplex Cookie Jar … totally worth the calories!
The Berry Cookie Jar, probably one of Lauren’s best yet, had homemade strawberry & blueberry jams blended in with vanilla whipped cream and soft strawberry cookies with a freshly baked oatmeal Cinnamon streusel layered throughout for that added crunch of perfection.

The Duplex Cookie Jar had chocolate, chocolate chip & vanilla cookies, orange cream cheese filling with strawberry jam and Pure Chocolate Company’s Cocoa nibs! Delish!

These Jars remind me of a delicious, addictive Strawberry Shortcake back in the day. If you know, You Know.
Follow & keep up with Strictly Cookies Ja on Instagram, @strictlycookiesja to see what’s in the May Jar. They get sold out fast! #EarnYourCarbs
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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