If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@gwartbygabby), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Thanks to the True Craftsman Lodge who hosted their Charity Sunday Brunch 2 weeks ago and invited GW Art into their space. It gave me the opportunity to meet such great people.
GW Art is undoubtedly different and it feels great to have persons, especially Collectors buy and appreciate GW Art.
GW Art’s Goal is to create a world where GW Art elevates Spaces, the Spirit and Piece of Mind of people.
Hope you’re ready to shop GW Art this Christmas!
SAVE THE DATE FOR Suga Lifestyle’s Christmas Connection at The Jamaica Pegasus December 9 – 10.
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
In celebration of living her dream, bringing Fitness to persons in their living rooms and eating the natural, healthy way from her family farm to table Kamila’s Kitchen, through all obstacles faced, Kamila McDonald is the definition of Standing Tall…even if it is on one foot after breaking a leg now and then 🙂
These are the Moments We Live For! Check it out here:
Suga Lifestyle’s Tailored Jamaican is this Saturday, October 28th at The Jamaica Pegasus (Negril Suite) from 10AM – 7PM with a Fashion Show at 3PM!
Shop locally made items from talented Local Designers and Entrepreneurs without a storefront under one Roof, The Suga Lifestyle curated way with an exciting Fashion Show hosted by your Boss Barbie, Suga and Nick Mack, Entertainment by Reido, then Sanjay, Tasty Bites from Surf and Turf Catering and Beverages by Bottega Jamaica, AU Trading Co. and JABLUM Coffee!
Get Limited DISCOUNTED TICKETS NOW for Tailored Jamaican’s Fashion Show with our Local Designers, Reido, Sanjay, Bottega Jamaica, Surf and Turf Catering, JABLUM Coffee!
Get your tickets on CARI-FLO’S WEBSITE for J$2500 (Kids Free) or for J$1000 to watch Virtually if you can’t make it using LINK HERE:
Performance by ReidoPerformance by SANJAY Beverages by Bottega Jamaica and AU Trading Co.
Powered by Sisters’ Ink Jamaica Ltd., Cari-Flo Ltd., Jablum Coffee, Jamaica Business Development Corporation, CENTv, AU Trading Co., Surf & Turf Catering, Bottega Jamaica, SLEEK Jamaica and Phusion Models International.
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.