This Queen Boss Lady from Montego Bay Rocks Her Own Jewellery. You can too!
Shop Cute and Colorful Handmade Jewellery from Bag an’Pan Handmade (Ig: @bagandpan.ja NEXT SATURDAY, MAY 25, 10AM – 5PM!
Introducing You to More Vendors from Montego Bay for next Saturday…
Lit my Morning Routine Rich Cafe Latte from Suhri and Sway Haus from Montego Bay and had my house smelling like a Café!
Shop Scents from Suhri and Sway Haus (Ig: @suhriandswayhaus)!

Aloe Blends from Montego Bay will have the Quality Hair, Skin and Personal Care Products you need!

Kingston is still gonna shell dung Mobay though!

Enjoy Sample Offerings while you Shop the best of Local, plus Test Drives by ATL Automotive for Audi, VW, Porsche, BMW, MINI and BYD!
Food and Drinks will be on Sale and Entry is FREE.
Shop 25 Local Businesses with High Quality Apparel and Accessories, Personal Care, Home Décor, Childrens’ Books, Desserts, Jams, Pepper Shrimps, Beverages, other Goodies for the Kitchen and more!
Here is Your Vendor List!

Up for a Friday Matinée?
Check out Online Development Executive and Certified Digital Marketing Professional, Careen Wright’s in depth recap of our Mother’s Day Expo held at The Jamaica Pegasus last Saturday, May 11 via the Youtube Link here:
Look out for Yourself or Check out our SLEEK Facebook Album for Suga Lifestyle’s Mother’s Day Expo last weekend here:

ENJOY Your Weekend!
XoXo, Suga
By: Gabrielle Burgess (CEO, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter & TikTok (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.