TUNE IN TO www.jarumfestival.com, @jarumfestival, @appletonestateja or @appletonestateci on Instagram to watch @jarumfestival’s Virtual Entertainment show featuring @therealsizzlakalonji @direalshaggy & @shenseea !!!
Don’t forget to visit GW Art, Chocollor Chocolate and Milly Zo Designs and more at the Artisan Village on www.jarumfestival.com. Shop online while you Shop Local!
TVJ will follow with the Highlight Show at 8:30pm!
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
‘We Love Rum’ Mini (4×4)” Desktop/Tabletop including Easel – J$2000
Feel the Spirit of Jamaica Rum Festival’s Virtual Experience 2021 and in loving and supporting All Things Jamaican, find GW Art at the Artisan Village!
That’s right! Check out GW Art’s Available Paintings that you can SHOP ONLINE and of course some are NEW NEW to keep up with Jamaica Rum Festival because we are Rum People!
GW Art’s ‘NEAT’ Acrylic on (8×10)” canvas Painting
Watch “Find Suga Lifestyle’s GW Art at Jamaica Rum Festival’s Virtual Artisan Village!!!” on YouTube here:
More Paintings will be premiered tomorrow too!Â
Check out the website, www.jarumfestival.com. It’s 🔥!
If you liked this Promo, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Thanks JAMPRO for my Jamaica Blue Mountain Coffee branded Tumbler and Moy Hall Estate Coffee!
Let’s continue to support local and Build Jamaica. Buy Brand Jamaica. Sip the Greatness everyday!
Have a productive week Suga Bears 💖 🎨: GW Art
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Donna-Kaye Sharpe of Chocollor Chocolate gifting Gabrielle Burgess a.k.a Suga, conceptualiser of the event and owner of Suga Lifestyle at the V-Day Pop Up Shop at The Jamaica Pegasus last Saturday, February 13, 2021.
I hope all my Suga Bears, Suga Daddies, Suga Babies & Suga Artisans enjoyed Valentine’s Day even if it is just some well needed rest!
Thank you all so much for coming out and supporting Suga Lifestyle and Brand Jamaica last Saturday. We Small and Local Businesses really felt and appreciated the love.
For those who couldn’t make it and sent their love and well wishes for the event, thanks too!
For highlights, Watch “Thanks for Supporting Suga Lifestyle’s V-Day Pop Up Shop!” on YouTube here:
Kudos to all Suga Artisans for taking the risk to come out, saying Yes to Suga and working hard. It paid off!
I can’t thank The Jamaica Pegasus enough for their continuous hospitality and helping us feel safe.
It was truly a Success. Suga Lifestyle looks forward to hosting you again soon!
XoXo, Suga💖
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
GW Art’s Gabrielle Burgess with Painting ‘Black & Blue, Who Knew?’ Framed Acrylic on 8″×10″ Canvas. PRICE: $12000JMD
Suga Lifestyle’s GW Art (Ig: @gwartbygabby) will showcase at the V-Day Pop Up this SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th at The Jamaica Pegasus’s Rio Bueno Suite, 12PM – 7PM.
‘Vintage Wine’ Acrylic on (11×15)” Canvas: $8000JMD‘Sunflower Bloom’ Acrylic on (11×15)” Canvas: $8500JMD‘This is Us’ Wooden sign – Price: $5500JMD‘Home is Where the Heart Is’ Wooden sign – Price: $4500JMD
As usual, a range of pieces from Graphic to Abstract, bright colours or simple, but bold black and white, starting with desktop minis including easels for $2000JMD and upwards.
‘Disconnected’ (4×4)” Acrylic on Canvas Tabletop/Desktop including easel – $2000JMD‘Love Always’ (4×4)” Acrylic on Canvas Tabletop/Desktop including easel – $2000JMD‘Sitting for a While, Waiting’ Acrylic on (16×20)” Canvas Panel – Price: $20,000JMD‘Reggae Music’ (4×4)” Acrylic on Canvas Tabletop/Desktop including easel – $2000JMD
You can also get a headstart and Shop GW Art NOW using the link below:
More Suga Artisans will be featured later and tomorrow! Stay tuned to see who and in the spirit of Valentine’s, be ready to show some Small Business 💖
***Covid 19 Protocol will be observed and masks are required.***
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Suga Lifestyle is excited to bring back Brand Jamaica to you for Valentine’s Day gifts or to shop and just treat yourself on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th at Jamaica Pegasus’s Rio Bueno Suite from 12noon to 7pm.
NEW NEW Suga Artisans will be featured! Stay tuned to see who and in the spirit of Valentine’s, be ready to show some Small Business Love.
Covid 19 Protocol will be observed and masks are required.
Save the Date!
XoXo, Suga 💖
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
GW Art’s mini tabletop Painting with easel, a part of Tablecloth and More’s Christmas Gift Basket.
GW Art’s mini tabletop Paintings with easels, were a part of Audrey Brown’s (Ig: @audreyabrownjm) Tablecloth and More Corporate Christmas Gift Baskets!
With the New Year amongst us, GW Art hopes to continue to uplift your Homes, Offices, Hotels, Cafes and more, as well as offer inspiring, encouraging words daily. 🎨💖
You can shop GW Art on Suga Lifestyle’s e-commerce Website now! New Paintings are in Stock and remember, Valentine’s Day is just around the corner!
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Suga’s favourite part? ‘Eternally grateful that I was able to provide vendors with the opportunity since no other major shows were kept last Christmas’
BIG UP all SUGA ARTISANS listed as they took the risk to participate. I know there were no regrets!
HUGE THANKS to my listed SPONSORS for the continued support and seeing and embracing my vision to uplift Brand Jamaica.
Suga Lifestyle is looking forward to working on listed CHARITY Projects in collaboration with the Rotaract Club of New Kingston as soon as this month!
THANKS to my PATRONS! My precious SUGA BEARS for helping to make Suga Lifestyle’s Christmas Connection a success! I trust you enjoyed Suga’s unique Sip, Taste and Shop Experience and I look forward to seeing you throughout the year!
XoXo, Suga💖
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
Suga closed out 2020 at Offshore Seafood Lounge, then went to Negril’s shores and took a look back at 2020!
Offshore Seafood Lounge served up delicious meals with great music and polite, attentive staff as usual.
Curried Lobster from Offshore Seafood Lounge on the roof of Consumer Plaza
But why look back to 2020? Because some of us made it through! Please watch highlights of Suga Lifestyle’s 2020 Journey. I am grateful for all who have been a part of it.
I know everyone may not be able to say the same, but I am so thankful for creating and being given opportunities to navigate through 2020. It wasn’t easy and even more effort will be required for 2021. Let’s all look forward to a NEW and hopefully Happier Year! Blessings & 💖 from Suga!
Watch “Happy New Year from Suga Lifestyle!” on YouTube here:
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.
The Photo Album is out on SLEEK Jamaica for Suga Lifestyle ‘s Christmas Connection that was at The Jamaica Pegasus on Saturday, December 12, 2020!
Relive the beautifully captured moments or see what you missed by clicking on the link here!
Stay Safe and Blessed!
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
If you liked this Blog, follow Suga Lifestyle Online, on Instagram (@sugalifestyle), Twitter (@sugalifestyleja) or like the Suga Lifestyle Facebook page.