Check out some of the talented Suga Artisans representing for The Home Edition theme of this staging of Suga Lifestyle’s Mother’s Day Pop Up Shop this SATURDAY, MAY 7 at The Jamaica Pegasus in The Legacy Suite by the Cafe!
Uplift your interior décor with exquisite home accents from Drift Home (Ig: @drifthomeja).

Chop in style in the Kitchen with Karma Knives (Ig:@karma_knives)
Enjoy being at home accentuated by scents from Body By Roxanne & Co. (Ig: bodybyroxanneandco) and Kerry Nicole Candles (Ig: @kerrynicole_candles) ‘ handpoured Candles, Room sprays, Oil Diffusers and more.

Enjoy it all while you lounge in or by cutting edge furniture from Myriad Edges (Ig: @myriadedges) !

Watch “Suga Artisans Representing for The Home Edition theme of Suga Lifestyle’s Mother’s Day Pop Up Shop” on YouTube here:
After this show, more Suga Artisans should be in a store near you right?!
Suga Lifestyle is bringing the best of the island’s Creative Industries to YOU in one space at The Jamaica Pegasus.
SHOP over 20 awesome Suga Artisans at The Jamaica Pegasus this SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2022, 10AM – 6PM. FREE + Giveaways from JABLUM, Rituals Coffee House, Suga Artisans and more.
Sponsored by The Jamaica Pegasus and SLEEK Jamaica, who will be there to capture your Mommy & Me Moments!
XoXo, Suga 💖

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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