Suga’s Ratings for CRU Bar & Kitchen
Date and time of visit: Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 2:30pm
No. of diners: 2
NB. Ratings fill 5 stars maximum
Parking: ★★★★★
Ambience: ★★★★☆
Décor: ★★★★☆
Comfort: ★★★★☆
Service: ★★★★☆
Speed: ★★★☆☆
Food quality: ★★★★★
Serving amount: ★★★★★
Plating: ★★★★★
Value for $: ★★★★☆
Suga’s Comments:
Suga enjoyed the weekend before lockdown with hubby, Randy at Cru Bar & Kitchen’s Saturday Brunch.
Rooftop dining is quite sunny in the early afternoon, but we had a bit of breeze and some seating areas were partially covered or shaded. I welcome back the fans anytime though.
I appreciate the Scan Barcode menu anywhere I go. #SugaSnaps #CopingwithCovid
We enjoyed their consistently tasty and authentic Murray’s Curried Goat, as well as their Grilled Salmon along with refreshing Cocktails. We had two rounds of the Blue Lagoon Mojito and Whiskey Sour.

Service was slow, but our waiter was attentive and we were just thankful for being outside, listening to the DJ play and seeing and waving to people from a distance. Seeing a few younger millennials in action was entertaining as well. The lighting on the rooftop seemed to be perfect for selfies.
Looking forward to returning to Brunch at CRU after the lockdown weekends.
…Until next time!
CRU Bar & Kitchen
Location: 71 Lady Musgrave Rd. Kgn. Ja
Ph: 876-571-1168
Reservations: 876-667-2323
Instagram: @crubarjamaica
By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)
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