Another One! It’s Detox Week for Suga After the Holiday Weekends!

Another one! It’s Detox week for Suga after the holiday weekends!

Colouful AND flavourful Roasted Fish on Rosemary with quinoa, roasted pumpkin and veggies from The Hungry Wolf Ja !

You can order 5 meals a week for J$6000/10 for J$12000 and eat healthy and hassle-free all week.

The Hungry Wolf

Instagram: @thehungrywolf_ja

Ph: 876-878-2191

Remember you can SIGN UP for a Nutrition Consultation with ME, SugaLifestyle’s Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist, Gabby today using LINK below:

Fitness Sessions are available too, both Virtual and Face to Face.

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle; Certified Personal Trainer & Sports Nutritionist)

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