Covid Cases are Rising, are You Equipped?!

Miracle Corporation’s SANIWISE will be present this SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13th at The Jamaica Pegasus’s Rio Bueno Suite, 12PM – 7PM.

Miracle Corp. will have cases of their NEW Spring Water, Heart of Jamaica for sampling and ON SPECIAL for $1000JMD per case + a bar of True and Natural Company Soap. You don’t want to miss this deal!
Water straight from Bullhead Mountain in the centre of the islsnd, Clarendon, the Heart of Jamaica.

Miracle Corp’s Saniwise’ Sanitization products will also be for sale.

NEW NEW Suga Artisans will be featured! Stay tuned to see who and in the spirit of Valentine’s, be ready to show some Small Business 💖

***Covid 19 Protocol will be observed and masks are required.***

By: Gabrielle Burgess (Founder/Owner, Suga Lifestyle)

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